%!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%Title: SSB Invitation Cards %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /inch {72 mul} def /MarginLeft {.75 inch} def /MarginBottom {.5 inch} def /NumRows 5 def /NumCols 2 def /CardWidth {3.5 inch} def /CardHeight {2 inch} def /GuideSize {.4 inch} def /line { newpath moveto lineto stroke } def /centershow { dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto show } bind def /wrapshow { /height exch def /len exch def { dup length len lt { show exit } { dup % str str 0 len getinterval % str strstart dup show stringwidth pop neg height neg rmoveto dup length len sub len exch getinterval } ifelse } loop } def /urlsfile (%stdin) (r) file def /url 180 string def /DrawGuides { gsave .125 setlinewidth % draw horizontal lines from the sides of the page 0 MarginBottom translate NumRows 1 add { 0 0 GuideSize 0 line PageWidth 0 PageWidth GuideSize sub 0 line 0 CardHeight translate } repeat 0 CardHeight NumRows 1 add mul neg translate % draw vertical lines from the top and bottom of the page MarginLeft MarginBottom neg translate NumCols 1 add { 0 0 0 GuideSize line 0 PageHeight 0 PageHeight GuideSize sub line CardWidth 0 translate } repeat grestore } def /DrawBorder { gsave .25 setlinewidth MarginLeft MarginBottom translate % draw horizontal line NumRows 1 add { 0 0 CardWidth NumCols mul 0 line 0 CardHeight translate } repeat 0 CardHeight NumRows 1 add mul neg translate % draw vertical lines NumCols 1 add { 0 0 0 CardHeight NumRows mul line CardWidth 0 translate } repeat grestore } def /DrawEPS { /filename exch def /z exch def /bottom exch def /left exch def save left bottom translate z z scale /showpage { } def filename run % see PLRM.pdf page 732 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [ ] 0 setdash newpath /languagelevel where { pop languagelevel 1 ne { false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint } if } if %/Dict_Count countdictstack def %/Op_Count count def %begin %end %count restore } def /DrawCardFront { gsave urlsfile url readline { /url1 exch def /LiberationSans 16 selectfont (Secure Scuttlebutt Network) 126 117 moveto centershow /LiberationSans 13 selectfont (Invitation Link:) 126 96 moveto centershow currentrgbcolor 0 0 1 setrgbcolor /LiberationMono 14 selectfont .25 inch 1 inch moveto url1 25 14 wrapshow setrgbcolor /w 48 def /z 1.5 def 126 w z mul 2 div sub 12 z (small-hermes-hearts-0.eps) DrawEPS /drewsome true def } if grestore } def /DrawCardBack { gsave /LiberationSans 12 selectfont 16 117 moveto pub_name show /LiberationMono 8 selectfont pub_id 16 102 moveto 27 10 wrapshow /LiberationSans 12 selectfont 16 68 moveto op_name show /LiberationMono 8 selectfont op_id 16 53 moveto 27 10 wrapshow 180 62 1 3 div (rainbow-hermies-strong-border.eps) DrawEPS /LiberationSans 10 selectfont 12 16 moveto (decentralized - peer-to-peer - off-grid - open source) show grestore } def currentpagedevice /PageSize get dup 0 get /PageWidth exch def 1 get /PageHeight exch def /DrawPage { DrawGuides %DrawBorder MarginLeft MarginBottom CardHeight NumRows 1 sub mul add translate % Draw cards NumRows { %NumCols { % DrawCard % CardWidth 0 translate %} repeat DrawCardFront CardWidth 0 translate DrawCardBack CardWidth 0 translate NumCols CardWidth mul neg CardHeight neg translate } repeat 0 NumRows CardHeight mul neg translate } def { /drewsome false def DrawPage drewsome { showpage } { exit } ifelse } loop %%EOF