# mvd ![mvd](mvd.png) This is a minimum viable full-stack Decent server and client. Or you can call it model/view/decent `scuttlebot.js` is the model `views.js` is the views `index.js` is the controller and `render.js` renders posts ### getting started ``` npm install npm run build npm start ``` mvd should launch a browser window, and comes pre-configured to use the main ssb network by default. If you already have an `.ssb` folder, mvd should 'just work'. To use with decent try `npm run decent`, to launch a testnet try `npm run testnet`. [try it online](http://gitmx.com/) -- decent(ralized) ### history `mvd` is coded from scratch, but may have some code overlap with [minbase](http://github.com/evbogue/minbase) and [patchless](http://github.com/dominictarr/patchless) --- MIT