git ssb


ev / mvd

Tree: 6fb0136e77ef47dbeebce12754ebcf25ed3e955c

Files: 6fb0136e77ef47dbeebce12754ebcf25ed3e955c /

899 bytesRaw



This is a minimum viable full-stack Decent server and client.

Or you can call it model/view/decent

scuttlebot.js is the model views.js is the views index.js is the controller and render.js renders posts

getting started

npm install
npm run build
npm start

mvd should launch a browser window, and comes pre-configured to use the main ssb network by default. If you already have an .ssb folder, mvd should 'just work'.

To use mvd with decent or on a testnet, uncomment the appropriote lines in bin.js. For some reason sbot doesn't accept arguments properly, so we gotta hard code networsk right now!

try it online -- decent(ralized)


mvd is coded from scratch, but may have some code overlap with minbase and patchless


Built with git-ssb-web