'use strict' var pull = require('pull-stream') var Notify = require('pull-notify') var mdm = require('mdmanifest') var valid = require('../../lib/validators') var apidoc = require('../../lib/apidocs').gossip var u = require('../../lib/util') var ref = require('ssb-ref') var ping = require('pull-ping') var stats = require('statistics') var Schedule = require('./schedule') var Init = require('./init') var AtomicFile = require('atomic-file') var path = require('path') var deepEqual = require('deep-equal') function isFunction (f) { return 'function' === typeof f } function stringify(peer) { return [peer.host, peer.port, peer.key].join(':') } /* Peers : [{ key: id, host: ip, port: int, //to be backwards compatible with patchwork... announcers: {length: int} source: 'pub'|'manual'|'local' }] */ module.exports = { name: 'gossip', version: '1.0.0', manifest: mdm.manifest(apidoc), permissions: { anonymous: {allow: ['ping']} }, init: function (server, config) { var notify = Notify() var conf = config.gossip || {} var home = ref.parseAddress(server.getAddress()) var stateFile = AtomicFile(path.join(config.path, 'gossip.json')) //Known Peers var peers = [] function getPeer(id) { return u.find(peers, function (e) { return e && e.key === id }) } var timer_ping = 5*6e4 var gossip = { wakeup: 0, peers: function () { return peers }, get: function (addr) { addr = ref.parseAddress(addr) return u.find(peers, function (a) { return ( addr.port === a.port && addr.host === a.host && addr.key === a.key ) }) }, connect: valid.async(function (addr, cb) { addr = ref.parseAddress(addr) if (!addr || typeof addr != 'object') return cb(new Error('first param must be an address')) if(!addr.key) return cb(new Error('address must have ed25519 key')) // add peer to the table, incase it isn't already. gossip.add(addr, 'manual') var p = gossip.get(addr) if(!p) return cb() p.stateChange = Date.now() p.state = 'connecting' server.connect(p, function (err, rpc) { if (err) { p.state = undefined p.failure = (p.failure || 0) + 1 p.stateChange = Date.now() notify({ type: 'connect-failure', peer: p }) server.emit('log:info', ['SBOT', p.host+':'+p.port+p.key, 'connection failed', err.message || err]) p.duration = stats(p.duration, 0) return (cb && cb(err)) } else { p.state = 'connected' p.failure = 0 } cb && cb(null, rpc) }) }, 'string|object'), disconnect: valid.async(function (addr, cb) { var peer = this.get(addr) peer.state = 'disconnecting' peer.stateChange = Date.now() if(!peer || !peer.disconnect) cb && cb() else peer.disconnect(true, function (err) { peer.stateChange = Date.now() }) }, 'string|object'), changes: function () { return notify.listen() }, //add an address to the peer table. add: valid.sync(function (addr, source) { addr = ref.parseAddress(addr) if(!ref.isAddress(addr)) throw new Error('not a valid address:' + JSON.stringify(addr)) // check that this is a valid address, and not pointing at self. if(addr.key === home.key) return if(addr.host === home.host && addr.port === home.port) return var f = gossip.get(addr) if(!f) { // new peer addr.source = source addr.announcers = 1 addr.duration = addr.duration || null peers.push(addr) notify({ type: 'discover', peer: addr, source: source || 'manual' }) return addr } else if (source === 'friends' || source === 'local') { // this peer is a friend or local, override old source to prioritize gossip f.source = source } //don't count local over and over else if(f.source != 'local') f.announcers ++ return f }, 'string|object', 'string?'), remove: function (addr) { var peer = gossip.get(addr) var index = peers.indexOf(peer) if (~index) { peers.splice(index, 1) } }, ping: function (opts) { var timeout = config.timers && config.timers.ping || 5*60e3 //between 10 seconds and 30 minutes, default 5 min timeout = Math.max(10e3, Math.min(timeout, 30*60e3)) return ping({timeout: timeout}) }, reconnect: function () { for(var id in server.peers) if(id !== server.id) //don't disconnect local client server.peers[id].forEach(function (peer) { peer.close(true) }) return gossip.wakeup = Date.now() } } Schedule (gossip, config, server) Init (gossip, config, server) //get current state server.on('rpc:connect', function (rpc, isClient) { var peer = getPeer(rpc.id) //don't track clients that connect, but arn't considered peers. //maybe we should though? if(!peer) { if(rpc.id !== server.id) { console.log('Connected', rpc.id) rpc.on('closed', function () { console.log('Disconnected', rpc.id) }) } return } console.log('Connected', stringify(peer)) //means that we have created this connection, not received it. peer.client = !!isClient peer.state = 'connected' peer.stateChange = Date.now() peer.disconnect = function (err, cb) { if(isFunction(err)) cb = err, err = null rpc.close(err, cb) } if(isClient) { //default ping is 5 minutes... var pp = ping({serve: true, timeout: timer_ping}, function (_) {}) peer.ping = {rtt: pp.rtt, skew: pp.skew} pull( pp, rpc.gossip.ping({timeout: timer_ping}, function (err) { if(err.name === 'TypeError') peer.ping.fail = true }), pp ) } rpc.on('closed', function () { console.log('Disconnected', stringify(peer)) //track whether we have successfully connected. //or how many failures there have been. var since = peer.stateChange peer.stateChange = Date.now() // if(peer.state === 'connected') //may be "disconnecting" peer.duration = stats(peer.duration, peer.stateChange - since) // console.log(peer.duration) peer.state = undefined notify({ type: 'disconnect', peer: peer }) server.emit('log:info', ['SBOT', rpc.id, 'disconnect']) }) notify({ type: 'connect', peer: peer }) }) var last stateFile.get(function (err, ary) { last = ary || [] if(Array.isArray(ary)) ary.forEach(function (v) { delete v.state // don't add local peers (wait to rediscover) if(v.source !== 'local') { gossip.add(v, 'stored') } }) }) var int = setInterval(function () { var copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(peers)) copy.filter(function (e) { return e.source !== 'local' }).forEach(function (e) { delete e.state }) if(deepEqual(copy, last)) return last = copy stateFile.set(copy, function(err) { if (err) console.log(err) }) }, 10*1000) if(int.unref) int.unref() return gossip } }