git ssb


mixmix / scuttle-gathering



Returns a set of functions as an API for validating, building, publishing and reading records related to gatherings


var Scuttle = require('scuttle-gathering')
var scuttle = Scuttle(server) // a scuttlebutt server or connection to one

API Methods

scuttle.gathering.async.publish(opts, cb)

opts : an Object of form (title and startDateTime are the only required properties)

  title: String,
  startDateTime: {
    epoch: UnixTime,
    tz: String           // tz is optional
  description: String,   // optional
  location: String,      // optional
  image: {               // optional
    link: Blob,
    name: String,        // name, size type are optional
    size: Integer,
    type: MimeTypeString

cb : a callback of signature (err, data)

scuttle.update.async.publish(gatheringKey, opts, cb)

gatheringKey is a messageId for your gathering opts is an Object of any of the gathering details you'd like to update (title, startDateTime, description, location, image, etc in the appropriate formats)

cb : a callback of signature (err, data)

scuttle.attendee.async.publish(gatheringKey, isAttending, cb)

Publishes a message updating whether or not you're attending the gathering.

gatheringKey is a messageId for your gathering isAttending is a Boolean cb : a callback of signature (err, data)

NOTE - can also be called scuttle.attendee.async.publish(key, cb) which is the same as saying isAttending true



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