--- title: > IEBlurb date: 2005-02-21 00:25 status: published description: > Another Microsoftian view of “Browsing the Web” tags: Microsoft, Internet Explorer, idiocy links: - url: http://gkn.me.uk/ieblank title: > IEBlank rel: related type: text/html - url: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/category/6867.aspx title: > Browsing the Web (IEBlog) description: > Now has content; sadly not relevant rel: related type: text/html - url: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2004/10/14/242445.aspx title: > A fresh IE security update (IEBlog) description: > Beautifully typifies “Browsing the Web” rel: related type: text/html ---

Five months ago I wrote about how the IE weblog's Browsing the Web section was empty. Since then, they've written one item in this category, A fresh IE security update. Yes, that's what browsing the web is all about.

I seriously believe the only reason it's in this category is that it concludes with the phrase Surf safely!. Do you see? Surf? That's Browsing the Web, that is!


This is my hundredth entry.