import datetime import bs4 import html as htmllib import marko import re import urllib.parse import parse_content days = parse_content.days entries = parse_content.entries months = parse_content.months series = parse_content.series slugify = parse_content.slugify tags = parse_content.tags updated = parse_content.updated years = parse_content.years def atom_entry(id): return ( "" + entries[id]["title"] + "" + base_url + url_of_entry(id) + "" f"""""" "" + entries[id]["date"].isoformat() + "" "" + ( entries[id]["modified"].isoformat() if "modified" in entries[id] else entries[id]["date"].isoformat() ) + "" + ( ( ( "" + print_html_as_text(entries[id]["description"]) + "" ) if "description" in entries[id] else "" ) ) + '' + "\n" + print_html_escaped(convert_to_html(entries[id].content)) + "" + "" ) base_url = "" colour_class = f"month-{list(reversed(months))[0].month:02d}" def convert_to_html(hypertext): hypertext = "\n".join( [ re.sub(r"^=>\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)$", r'


', line) for line in hypertext.split("\n") ] ) hypertext = "\n".join( [ re.sub(r"^=>\s*(\S+)$", r'


', line) for line in hypertext.split("\n") ] ) return marko.convert(hypertext) def entries_in_series(series): return dict( [ (id, entries[id]) for id in entries if "series" in entries[id] and slugify(series) == slugify(entries[id]["series"]) ] ) def entries_with_tag(tag): return dict( [ (id, entries[id]) for id in entries if "tags" in entries[id] and slugify(tag) in map(slugify, entries[id]["tags"]) ] ) head = """ """ hues = [15, 30, 52, 82, 149, 187, 210, 246, 269, 291, 321, 352] link_home = 'Home' link_to_all_entries = 'All entries' link_to_feed = ( '' "Subscribe" "" ) footer = ( "" ) def link_to_entry(id, **kwargs): return ( f'" + "" + ("" + entries[id]["title"] + "") + "" + ('' + " ") + ( "from " + "" + entries[id]["series"] + "" + " · " if "series" in entries[id] and "omit_series" not in kwargs else "" ) + ( f'" ) + ( " / " + f'" if "modified" in entries[id] else "" ) + ( " · " + ", ".join("" + label + "" for label in kwargs["labels"]) if "labels" in kwargs else "" ) + "" + ( ( '' + " " + '' + print_html_as_text(entries[id]["description"]) + "" ) if "description" in entries[id] else "" ) + "" + "" ) def link_with_details(url, title, description=None, rel=None, type=None): return ( f'" + "" + ("" + title + "") + ( ( '' + " " + '' + description + "" ) if description else "" ) + "" + "" ) def offset_id(seq, id, offset): part_seq = list(seq)[list(seq).index(id) :: offset] if len(part_seq) > 1: return part_seq[1] def print_html(html): return str(bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")) def print_html_as_text(html): return str(bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser").get_text()) def print_html_escaped(html): return htmllib.escape(str(bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser"))) repeated_tags = [tag for tag in tags if len(entries_with_tag(tag)) >= 4] def stardate(date): return format(int(date.strftime("%s")) / 100000, ".1f") def title(string): return string + " · Grey Nicholson" if string else "Grey Nicholson" def url_of_day(date): return f"/{date.year}/{date.month:02d}/{}" def url_of_entry(id): return f"/{id}" def url_of_month(date): return f"/{date.year}/{date.month:02d}" def url_of_tag(tag): return f"/entries/{slugify(tag)}" def url_of_tag_feed(tag): return f"/entries/{slugify(tag)}/feed" def url_of_series(series): return f"/{slugify(series)}" def url_of_series_feed(series): return f"/{slugify(series)}/feed" def url_of_year(date): return f"/{date.year}"