--- title: > Bringing down the establishment one pillock at a time date: 2004-08-17 03:09 status: published description: > This one's gonna lead to a few years in gaol (...it's fun to spell "jail" like that) tags: Olympics, idiocy, bureaucracy, the Man links: - url: http://glazman.org/weblog/dotclear/index.php?2004/08/16/484-athens-2004 title: > Athens 2004 (Glazblog) rel: via type: text/html - url: http://www.athens2004.com/athens2004/page/legacy?lang=en&cid=dd7e01e3ac979f00VgnVCMServer28130b0aRCRD title: > The Athens 2004 website's hyperlink policy description: > What were they smoking? rel: related type: text/html ---
