--- title: "This is why you should always keep your web browser window at a random size" date: 2005-04-01 14:00 status: published links: - url: http://simon.incutio.com/blogmarks/2005/04/01/ title: "Simon Willison's Blogmarks for 1st April 2005" rel: via type: text/html - url: http://www.google.co.uk/googlegulp/ title: "Google Gulp (Beta)" description: "with Auto-Drinkā„¢" rel: related type: text/html ---

Whoever wrote the Google Gulp FAQ evidently doesn't unmaximise their browser very often and decided to size the main content column in pixels.

Update: And they've fixed it. Clearly the Google crew are avid Mooquackwooftweetmeow readers.