--- title: "IEBlank" date: 2004-09-13 14:39 status: published description: > The Internet Explorer gang's collective web browsing knowledge tags: Microsoft, Internet Explorer, web browsers, software, the Web links: - url: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/category/6867.aspx title: "Browsing the Web (IEBlog)" rel: related type: text/html - url: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=buggy+insecure+browser title: "Search Google for a buggy, insecure browser" rel: related type: text/html ---

The Internet Explorer crew over at Microdollar clearly spend a lot of time thinking about browsing the web - as well they should, since they're supposed to be making a web browser. Now, they've pooled their collective thoughts into the IE weblog's Browsing the Web section, which serves as a useful, entertaining and enlightening glimpse into... oh, hang on a sec... what's...? No, it's definitely empty.
