--- title: "en-semantic" date: 2004-09-14 01:31 status: published description: > Writing English correctly is difficult. (By the way, for non-hacker types, the title implies that semantic English is a distinct dialect of English.) tags: being right, English links: - url: http://www.designbyfire.com/000158.html title: "When I grow up, I want to be an interface designer (Design by Fire)" description: "The article that inspired this entry (note: quality of content is not determined by quality of English)" rel: related type: text/html ---

I don't like being wrong. I like it even less when everyone else is wrong and I can't (or shouldn't) tell them, for reasons of etiquette. I suppose I'm just finicky, which is why I spend quite a bit of time reviewing my own websites, Here and There, enjoying their majesty. Or something.

It's OK when I don't know that a rule is being broken, or that something is just wrong. Unfortunately, I'm also just a little bit curious, so I eventually learn the rules, and then notice when things disobey them.

...which brings me to the semantics of the English language. Read the following:

And the classics:

While we're on the topic, some abbreviations:

(By the way, feel free to report any cock-ups in the above to me.)

What prompted all this? Well, it was Andrei's use of Practice, practice, practice as a headline. ...trouble is, it's actually valid to use nouns like that. But we all know he meant “Practise, practise, practise”, right?

Remember that just because one can speak English effectively doesn't mean one can write English effectively.