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Tree: a59a8f45f8c702d6cc372a64dfae1759a96d9174

Files: a59a8f45f8c702d6cc372a64dfae1759a96d9174 / themes / ran / templates / base.html

2269 bytesRaw
1{%- macro entry_link(article) -%}
2 <li>
3 <a href="/{{- article.url -}}">
4 <strong>
5 {{- article.title |trim -}}
6 </strong>
7 <span class="visuallyhidden"> (</span>
8 <time datetime="{{- | strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') -}}">
9 {{- | strftime(DATE_FORMAT_DAY) -}}
10 </time>
11 <span class="visuallyhidden">)</span>
12 {%- if article.description -%}
13 <span class="visuallyhidden">: </span>
14 <i>
15 {{- article.description | striptags -}}
16 </i>
17 {%- endif -%}
18 </a>
19 </li>
20{%- endmacro -%}
21<!doctype html>
22<html lang="en-GB">
23 <head>
24 {%- block head -%}
25 <meta charset="utf-8">
26 <title>{%- block title -%}{{- SITENAME -}}{%- endblock -%}</title>
27 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
28 <link href="/style/ran.css" rel="stylesheet">
29 <link href="/style/icon.svg" rel="icon" sizes="any">
30 <link href="/feed"
31 rel="alternate"
32 type="application/atom+xml"
33 title="{{- SITENAME -}}">
34 {%- endblock -%}
35 </head>
36 <body>
37 <section class="topnav">
38 {%- block topnav -%}
39 <nav>
40 {%- block logo -%}
41 <a class="logo" href="/">
42 {%- include "logo.svg" -%}
43 <span> Home </span>
44 </a>
45 {%- endblock -%}
46 </nav>
47 {%- endblock -%}
48 </section>
49 {%- block main -%}
50 <header>
51 {%- block pagetitle -%}
52 <details>
53 <summary>
54 <h1 class="pagetitle">
55 {{- self.title() -}}
56 </h1>
57 </summary>
58 <section>
59 {%- block pagedetails -%}
60 <address>
61 <span>by </span>
62 <a href="/{{- AUTHOR_URL -}}"
63 rel="author">
64 {{- AUTHOR -}}
65 </a>
66 </address>
67 {%- endblock -%}
68 <hr class="visuallyhidden">
69 </section>
70 </details>
71 {%- block maincontentintro -%}
72 {%- endblock -%}
73 {%- endblock -%}
74 </header>
75 <main>
76 {%- block maincontent -%}
77 <ol class="biglinks">
78 {%- for article in dates -%}
79 {{- entry_link(article) -}}
80 {%- endfor -%}
81 </ol>
82 {%- endblock -%}
83 </main>
84 {%- endblock -%}
85 <section class="bottomnav">
86 {%- block bottomnav -%}
87 <hr class="visuallyhidden">
88 <nav>
89 {{- self.logo() -}}
90 </nav>
91 {%- endblock -%}
92 </section>
93 </body>

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