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1307 bytesRaw

title: > Your Computer May Be Commandeered By Randomers date: 2005-08-31 21:18 status: published tags: Mozilla, Firefox, idiocy


<img src="/yourcomputermaybecommandeeredbyrandomers/criticalupdate.png" alt="" class="inset"> I'm often amazed by how many screenshots of Firefox include a critical update icon. A red disc in the top-right of the browser window means there is a <em>critical</em> update to Firefox available and that you should upgrade immediately. </p>
Yes, it's crap <abbr title="user interface">UI</abbr>, which is why it's gone in Deer Park - there's a nice, big <q>You need to update Firefox now</q> dialogue instead. But I'm still surprised by how many people completely dismiss it. I assume they can see it's there; is nobody interested in finding out what it means? It only requires pointing at it. </p>
Maybe the icon should have had a large label reading <q>Your computer may be commandeered by randomers. Click here if you'd prefer it not to be.</q>

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