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title: "The Register's Inability To Do Research Mocked by All Everywhere" date: 2005-02-28 01:59 status: published description: > This is the first entry I've made while standing.

tags: wrongness

<a href="" title="The Register on IDNs (Hacking for Christ)">The Register goofed</a>; the date on <a href="" title="Small-minded Mozilla mocked by wider world (The Register)">their article about Mozilla disabling <abbr title="Internationalised Domain Names">IDNs</abbr></a> is a full eight days after <a href="" title="New Short-Term Patch For IDN-based Spoofing (Hacking for Christ)">Gerv wrote about how Mozilla's short-term solution to IDN-based trickery <em>wouldn't</em> be simply to disable IDNs</a>. </p>
Note: <q>short-term</q> - they were going to turn IDNs back on as soon as possible anyway. It'd be forgivable to goof like this if Gerv hadn't made his retractive post until just before the Register's article was published; or if the article had been retracted (or even amended) as soon as Mozilla's position became clear. But as of now the article is <em>still</em> on <a href="">the Register's front page</a>! I'm looking forward to this week's <cite>el Reg</cite> mailbag. </p>
Also: only <em>65 minutes</em> later, the <cite>Reg</cite> published <a href="" title="Firefox dusted down with security update (The Register)">an article with the correct facts</a>. It seems the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is biting the hand of... something. So there. </p>

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