git ssb


Grey the earthling /

Tree: 5a162d031134b5ef9bb501630aa3823f16168560

Files: 5a162d031134b5ef9bb501630aa3823f16168560 / generator / templates /

9672 bytesRaw
1import common
4def links_to_nearby_entries(id):
5 earlier_entries = [
6 e for e in reversed(list(common.entries)[: list(common.entries).index(id)])
7 ]
8 later_entries = [
9 e for e in list(common.entries)[1 + list(common.entries).index(id) :]
10 ]
11 relevant_earlier_entries = {}
12 relevant_later_entries = {}
13 for other_entry in earlier_entries:
14 if earlier_entries.index(other_entry) == 0:
15 relevant_earlier_entries[other_entry] = relevant_earlier_entries.get(
16 other_entry, {}
17 )
18 relevant_earlier_entries[other_entry].update({"rel": "prev"})
19 if "series" in common.entries[id] and "series" in common.entries[other_entry]:
20 if common.slugify(common.entries[id]["series"]) == common.slugify(
21 common.entries[other_entry]["series"]
22 ):
23 if other_entry == common.offset_id(
24 common.entries_in_series(common.entries[id]["series"]), id, -1
25 ):
26 relevant_earlier_entries[
27 other_entry
28 ] = relevant_earlier_entries.get(other_entry, {})
29 relevant_earlier_entries[other_entry].update({"rel": "prev"})
30 if "tags" in common.entries[id] and "tags" in common.entries[other_entry]:
31 for tag_string in [
32 tag_string
33 for tag_string in common.entries[id]["tags"]
34 if common.slugify(tag_string)
35 in map(common.slugify, common.entries[other_entry]["tags"])
36 ]:
37 entries_with_this_tag = common.entries_with_tag(tag_string)
38 if other_entry == common.offset_id(entries_with_this_tag, id, -1):
39 relevant_earlier_entries[
40 other_entry
41 ] = relevant_earlier_entries.get(other_entry, {})
42 relevant_earlier_entries[other_entry][
43 "labels"
44 ] = relevant_earlier_entries[other_entry].get("labels", [])
45 relevant_earlier_entries[other_entry]["labels"] += [tag_string]
46 relevant_earlier_entries[other_entry].update({"rel": "prev"})
47 for other_entry in later_entries:
48 if later_entries.index(other_entry) == 0:
49 relevant_later_entries[other_entry] = relevant_later_entries.get(
50 other_entry, {}
51 )
52 relevant_later_entries[other_entry].update({"rel": "next"})
53 if "series" in common.entries[id] and "series" in common.entries[other_entry]:
54 if common.slugify(common.entries[id]["series"]) == common.slugify(
55 common.entries[other_entry]["series"]
56 ):
57 if other_entry == common.offset_id(
58 common.entries_in_series(common.entries[id]["series"]), id, +1
59 ):
60 relevant_later_entries[other_entry] = relevant_later_entries.get(
61 other_entry, {}
62 )
63 relevant_later_entries[other_entry].update({"rel": "next"})
64 if "tags" in common.entries[id] and "tags" in common.entries[other_entry]:
65 for tag_string in [
66 tag_string
67 for tag_string in common.entries[id]["tags"]
68 if common.slugify(tag_string)
69 in map(common.slugify, common.entries[other_entry]["tags"])
70 ]:
71 entries_with_this_tag = common.entries_with_tag(tag_string)
72 if other_entry == common.offset_id(entries_with_this_tag, id, +1):
73 relevant_later_entries[other_entry] = relevant_later_entries.get(
74 other_entry, {}
75 )
76 relevant_later_entries[other_entry][
77 "labels"
78 ] = relevant_later_entries[other_entry].get("labels", [])
79 relevant_later_entries[other_entry]["labels"] += [tag_string]
80 relevant_later_entries[other_entry].update({"rel": "next"})
81 links = ""
82 if len(relevant_earlier_entries) > 0:
83 links += (
84 "<h2>Earlier:</h2>"
85 + "<ul>"
86 + "".join(
87 "<li>"
88 + common.link_to_entry(other_id, **relevant_earlier_entries[other_id])
89 + "</li>"
90 for other_id in relevant_earlier_entries
91 )
92 + "</ul>"
93 )
94 if len(relevant_later_entries) > 0:
95 links += (
96 "<h2>Later:</h2>"
97 + "<ul>"
98 + "".join(
99 "<li>"
100 + common.link_to_entry(other_id, **relevant_later_entries[other_id])
101 + "</li>"
102 for other_id in relevant_later_entries
103 )
104 + "</ul>"
105 )
106 return links
109def html(entries, id):
110 entry = entries[id]
111 byline = (
112 (
113 '<div class="series">'
114 + "from "
115 + f'<a href="{common.url_of_series(entry["series"])}">'
116 + entry["series"]
117 + "</a>"
118 + "</div>"
119 if "series" in entry
120 else ""
121 )
122 + '<div class="byline">'
123 + 'by <a href="/">Grey Nicholson</a>'
124 + "</div>"
125 + '<div class="datestamp">'
126 + ("published " if "modified" in entry else "")
127 + f'<time datetime="{entry["date"]:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ}">'
128 f'{entry["date"]:%Y-%m-%d}'
129 " · "
130 f'stardate {common.stardate(entry["date"])}'
131 "</time>"
132 + (
133 "<div>"
134 + "edited "
135 + f'<time datetime="{entry["modified"]:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ}">'
136 + f'{entry["modified"]:%Y-%m-%d}'
137 + " · "
138 + f'stardate {common.stardate(entry["modified"])}'
139 + "</time>"
140 + "</div>"
141 if "modified" in entry
142 else ""
143 )
144 + "</div>"
145 )
146 colour_class = (
147 common.slugify(entry["series"])
148 if "series" in entry
149 else f'month-{entry["date"].month:02d}'
150 )
151 decoration = (
152 f"""<div class="decoration" style="background-image: url('{entry["image"]["filename"]}');"""
153 + (
154 f""" background-position: {entry["image"]["position"]};"""
155 if "position" in entry["image"]
156 else ""
157 )
158 + (
159 f""" height: {entry["image"]["height"]};"""
160 if "height" in entry["image"]
161 else ""
162 )
163 + '"></div>'
164 if "image" in entry
165 else '<div class="decoration"></div>'
166 if "series" in entry
167 else ""
168 )
169 description = (
170 (
171 '<div class="description">'
172 + common.convert_to_html(entry["description"])
173 + "</div>"
174 )
175 if "description" in entry
176 else ""
177 )
178 entry_links = (
179 (
180 "<hr/>"
181 + "<nav>"
182 + "<h2>See also:</h2>"
183 + "<ul>"
184 + "".join(
185 ("<li>" + common.link_with_details(**link) + "</li>")
186 for link in entry["links"]
187 )
188 + "</ul>"
189 + "</nav>"
190 )
191 if "links" in entry
192 else ""
193 )
195 repeated_tags = (
196 list(
197 common.slugify(tag)
198 for tag in entry["tags"]
199 if common.slugify(tag) in common.repeated_tags
200 )
201 if "tags" in entry
202 else []
203 )
204 head = "".join(
205 f"""<link href="{common.url_of_tag_feed(tag)}" rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="{common.title(tag)}">"""
206 + "\n"
207 for tag in repeated_tags
208 )
209 small = "<p><small>" + entry["small"] + "</small></p>" if "small" in entry else ""
210 tags = (
211 (
212 '<div class="tags">tags: '
213 + ", ".join(
214 f'<a href="{common.url_of_tag(tag)}" rel="tag">' + tag + "</a>"
215 for tag in repeated_tags
216 )
217 + "</ul>"
218 + "</div>"
219 )
220 if repeated_tags
221 else ""
222 )
223 tags = "" # No tags for now
225 return common.print_html(
226 f"""<!doctype html>
227 <html>
228 <head>
229 {common.head}
230 {head}
231 <title>{entry['title']}</title>
232 </head>
233 <body class="entry {colour_class}">
234 <article>
235 <header>
236 {decoration}
237 <h1>{entry['title']}</h1>
238 </header>
239 <main>
240 <hr/>
241 <section>
242 {common.convert_to_html(entry.content)}
243 </section>
244 <footer>
245 <hr/>
246 <section>
247 {byline}
248 {description}
249 {tags}
250 {small}
251 </section>
252 {entry_links}
253 </footer>
254 </main>
255 </article>
256 <footer>
257 <hr/>
258 <nav>
259 {links_to_nearby_entries(id)}
260 </nav>
261 </footer>
262 {common.footer}
263 </body>
264 </html>
265 """
266 )

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