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title: "America's screwy" date: 2005-03-30 02:24 status: published description: > Really, it's not their fault. Poor bastards.

I happened to be watching <a href=""><abbr title="American Broadcasting Company">ABC</abbr> World News Tonight</a> on <a href="" title="BBC News 24">News 24</a> earlier, which included an article about how teenagers were the most sleep-deprived group: </p>
<q>With most high schools' classes starting at 7:30<abbr title="ante meridiem - before noon">a.m.</abbr>...</q>
<strong>07:30<span title="Interrobangs are cool.">‽</span></strong> No wonder American kids are so screwed up. </p>
For the record, in the <abbr title="United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)">UK</abbr> school nominally starts at 09:00 although we had to arrive at 08:45 for registration. It generally finishes some time around 15:20 although some private secondary schools go on to 16:30. </p>
Hey, this probably explains why Americans like coffee so much. </p>

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