git ssb


Dominic / yap-gatherings

Tree: 37d41ff61b662f01ec14293463dbe5afff14adf0

Files: 37d41ff61b662f01ec14293463dbe5afff14adf0 / get.js

1215 bytesRaw
1var Reduce = require('./reduce')
2var pull = require('pull-stream')
4module.exports = function (sbot, opts, cb) {
5 if("string" == typeof opts)
6 opts = {id: opts, private: false}
7 var id =
8 sbot.get(opts, function (err, msg) {
9 if(err) return cb(err)
10 var seen = {}
11 if(msg.content.type !== 'gathering')
12 return cb(new Error('not a gathering, was:'+msg.content.type))
13 var root = {key:id, value: msg}
14 seen[id] = true
15 pull(
16 sbot.links({
17 dest: id, values: true,
18 rel: opts.replies ? undefined : 'about'
19 }),
20 pull.filter(function (data) {
21 var type = data.value.content.type
22 //exclude backlinking posts, except replies
23 if(type == 'post' && data.value.content.root != id)
24 return
25 //the root message is type gathering
26 //I really think the "about" message is heavily overloaded
27 if(type !== 'gathering' && type !== 'about')
28 return
29 if(seen[data.key]) return false
30 return seen[data.key] = true
31 }),
32 pull.collect(function (err, ary) {
33 if(err) return cb(err)
34 ary.unshift(root)
35 var r = Reduce(ary)
36 cb(null, r)
37 })
38 )
39 })

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