var S = require('./state') var u = require('./util') var isNote = u.isNote var isMessage = u.isMessage var progress = require('./progress') function oldest(ready, states) { //could do ready.sort but that is O(n*log(n)) (i think?) so faster to iterate var min = null for(var i = ready.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(!isMessage(ready[i].ready)) ready.splice(i, 1) //this item is not a ready message (any more) remove from queue) else if(min == null) min = i else if (ready[i].ready.timestamp < ready[i].ready.timestamp) min = i } if(min != null) { var state = ready[min] ready.splice(i, 1) return state } } function Next () { var fn return function next (_fn) { if(fn) { if(_fn) throw new Error('already waiting! '+fn.toString()) else { _fn = fn; fn = null; _fn() } } else { fn = _fn } } } function toEnd(err) { return err === true ? null : err } //get, append are tied to the protocol //seqs, onChange, onRequest, callback are tied to the instance. module.exports = function (get, append) { return function (opts, callback) { if('function' === typeof opts) callback = opts, opts = {} var readyMsg = [], readyNote = {} onChange = opts.onChange || require('./bounce')(function () { console.log(progress(states)) }, 1000) //called if this feed is has not been requested var onRequest = opts.onRequest || function (id, seq) { stream.request(id, 0) } function maybeQueue(key, state) { if('string' !== typeof key) throw new Error('key should be string') if('object' !== typeof state) throw new Error('state should be object') if(isMessage(state.ready)) readyMsg.push(state) else if(isNote(state.ready)) readyNote[key] = true } var states = {}, error var next = Next() function checkNote (k) { if(isNote(states[k].effect)) { get(k, states[k].effect, function (err, msg) { if(msg) { maybeQueue(k, states[k] = S.gotMessage(states[k], msg)) if(states[k].ready) next() } }) } } var stream = { sink: function (read) { read(null, function cb (err, data) { //handle errors and aborts if(err && !error) { //if this sink got an error before source was aborted. callback(toEnd(error = err)) } if(error) return read(error, function () {}) if(isMessage(data)) { maybeQueue(, states[] = S.receiveMessage(states[], data)) if(isMessage(states[].effect)) {//append this message states[].effect = null // *** append MUST call onAppend before the callback *** //for performance, append should verify + queue the append, but not write to database. //also note, there may be other messages which have been received //and we could theirfore do parallel calls to append, but would make this //code quite complex. append(data, function (err) { onChange() read(null, cb) next() }) } else read(null, cb) next() } else { var ready = false for(var k in data) { //if we havn't requested this yet, see if we want it. //if we _don't want it_ we should say, otherwise //they'll ask us again next time. if(!states[k]) { states[k] = S.init(null) onRequest(k, data[k]) } maybeQueue(k, states[k] = S.receiveNote(states[k], data[k])) if(states[k].ready != null) ready = true checkNote(k) } if(ready) next() onChange() read(null, cb) } }) }, source: function (abort, cb) { //if there are any states with a message to send, take the oldest one. //else, collect all states with a note, and send as a bundle. //handle errors and aborts if(abort) { if(!error) //if the source was aborted before the sink got an error return callback(toEnd(error = abort)) else error = abort } ;(function read () { //this happens when the client if(error) return cb(error) var state if(readyMsg.length && (state = oldest(readyMsg)) && isMessage(state.ready)) { var msg = state.ready maybeQueue(, state = checkNote( onChange() cb(null, msg) } else { var notes = {}, n = 0 for(k in readyNote) { if(isNote(states[k].ready)) { n ++ notes[k] = states[k].ready states[k] =[k]) checkNote(k) } } readyNote = {} onChange() if(n) cb(null, notes) else next(read) } })() }, progress: function () { return progress(states) }, onAppend: function (msg) { var k = //TMP, call a user provided function to decide how to handle this. if(!states[k]) maybeQueue(k, states[k] = S.init(msg.sequence)) if(states[k]) { maybeQueue(k, states[k] = S.appendMessage(states[k], msg)) checkNote(k) next() } }, request: function (id, seq) { //only allow updates if it's gonna change the state. if(!states[id]) { states[id] = S.init(seq) readyNote[id] = true } else if( states[id].local.seq == null || states[id].local.seq == -1 || (seq === -1 && states[id].local.seq != -1) ) { states[id].ready = seq readyNote[id] = true next() } }, states: states } if(opts.seqs) { for(var k in opts.seqs) stream.request(k, opts.seqs[k]) } return stream } }