const Connection = require('ssb-client') const pull = require('pull-stream') pull.paraMap = require('pull-paramap') const daysPosts = require('./helpers/days-posts') console.log('Connecting') Connection((err, server) => { if (err) throw err console.log('Connection established') const today = new Date(2018, 9, 17) console.time('get posts') pull( daysPosts(server)(today), pull.paraMap(getAuthorName, 50), // run up to 50 asyncrhonous maps in parallel pull.collect(onDone) ) // Note you could use pull.asyncMap, but it only does 1 async map at a time... it's 240x slower on my machine! function getAuthorName (data, cb) { // NOTE the data is coming in from the dayPosts source and has been mapped into the form { author, timestamp, text, root } // cb is a function provided to us by pull-paramap which we use to pass results out once we're done and to pass things on to the next part of the stream (the collect here) const feedId = const opts = { limit: 1, reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { author: feedId, content: { type: 'about', about: feedId, name: { $is: 'string' } // there's a name string present } }, timestamp: { $gt: 0 } // a hack that forces ordering by timestamp } }, { $map: { name: ['value', 'content', 'name'] } } ] } pull(, pull.collect((err, results) => { if (err) { cb(err) return } var name if (!results || !results.length) name = feedId else name = results[0].name // console.log(name) // debug / see the names fly by as we get them! data.authorName = name // stample the name we found to the data object cb(null, data) }) ) } function onDone (err, msgs) { if (err) { console.error('oh noes', err) server.close() return } msgs.forEach(msg => { prettyPrint(msg) console.log('------') }) console.log(`${msgs.length} messages`) console.timeEnd('get posts') server.close() } }) // helpers function prettyPrint (obj) { console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)) // this just print the full object out as a string that's been nicely indented // with each level of nesting }