const Connection = require('ssb-client') const pull = require('pull-stream') pull.paraMap = require('pull-paramap') const html = require('yo-yo') const daysPosts = require('./source/days-posts') const getName = require('./async/get-name') const App = html`
` document.body.appendChild(App) Connection((err, server) => { if (err) throw err const today = new Date(2018, 9, 17) pull( daysPosts(server)(today), pull.paraMap(addName, 50), // run up to 50 asyncrhonous maps in parallel pull.collect(onDone) ) function addName (data, cb) { // getName is a much less opinionated method which just takes a feedId and asynchronously calls back with a name // addName is then a function which knows about the shape of the data coming through the stream and how to handle the results getName(server)(, (err, name) => { if (err) cb(err) else { data.authorName = name cb(null, data) } }) } function onDone (err, data) { if (err) { console.error('oh noes', err) server.close() return } const newView = Messages(data) html.update(App, newView) console.log(`${data.length} messages`) console.timeEnd('get posts') server.close() } }) function Messages (data) { return html`
` } function Message (msgData) { const { authorName, timestamp, text, root } = msgData // this is called 'destructuring' and is equivalent to `const authorName = msgData.authorName` etc const thread = root ? html`

thread: ${root}

` : null return html`
${authorName} - ${new Date(timestamp).toLocaleString()} ${thread}


` }