const pull = require('pull-stream') module.exports = function (server) { if (!server) throw new Error('day-posts helper requires a server!') if (!server.query) throw new Error('day-posts helper requires a server with the ssb-query installed!') return function getAuthorName (feedId, cb) { // NOTE the data is coming in from the dayPosts source and has been mapped into the form { author, timestamp, text, root } // cb is a function provided to us by pull-paramap which we use to pass results out once we're done and to pass things on to the next part of the stream (the collect here) const opts = { limit: 1, reverse: true, query: [ { $filter: { value: { author: feedId, content: { type: 'about', about: feedId, name: { $is: 'string' } // there's a name string present } }, timestamp: { $gt: 0 } // a hack that forces ordering by timestamp } }, { $map: { name: ['value', 'content', 'name'] } } ] } pull(, pull.collect((err, results) => { if (err) { cb(err) return } if (!results || !results.length) cb(null, feedId) else cb(null, results[0].name) }) ) } }