# Freecheck Configuration File # Format: # Sections of the format: # [SectionType SectionName] # key1 = value1 # key2 = value2 # SECTION HEADERS # Section headers are formatted like this: # [SectionType Label] # Where SectionType is either "Global" "Style" "Account" or "CheckBlank" # Label is the name of this particularinition # i.e. [Style Normal] is the section that defines the normal style (!) # The "Global" section does not take a SectionType # i.e. [Global] # No part of the header is case sensitive # KEY-VALUE PAIRS # Key-value pairs are separated by an "=" with optional whitespace # i.e. "Key1 = Value1" or "Key1=Value1" # Key names ARE case-sensitive, since they become PostScriptinitions # Some values (such as font names) are case sensitive # Others, such as address strings, will print in whatever case you enter them # Values may be multiple words # Values which represent dimensions may be bare numbers (which results in # "points," or 1/72 of an inch) or followed by "inch" or "cm" which should be # self-explanatory. # Each section contains comments showing all required key-value pairs, and # examples of assignments. ################### # Global defaults # ################### # Keys: # MICR Font # --------- # For the MICR font, SIZE MATTERS! Make sure you have the right point # size for the particular MICR font you're using. Most (including # GnuMICR) are correct at 12 pts, but READ THE DOCS THAT CAME WITH # THE FONT! :) # MICRFontName = GnuMICR # MICRFontSize = 12 # MICR Symbol Mapping # ------------------- # Maps which characters show which MICR symbols in the font you're using # Approximate representations of these symbols, with names, below: # |: = TransitSymbol # / = Amount # P = OnUs # - = Dash # TransitSymbol = A # OnUsSymbol = C # AmountSymbol = B # DashSymbol = D # MICR Line placement "Tweaking" #------------------------------- # Any "tweaks" necessary to align the MICR characters # May be in points or in inches # MICRVerTweak = 0 # MICRHorTweak = 0 [Global] MICRFontName = GnuMICR MICRFontSize = 12 TransitSymbol = A AmountSymbol = B OnUsSymbol = C DashSymbol = D MICRVerTweak = 0 MICRHorTweak = 0 ############ # Accounts # ############ # Check number for first check on the page # CheckNumber = 441 # Check Parts to print # -------------------- # What exactly do we want to print? This is so that people can use # special MICR toner if they want, and print two-pass # PrintCheckBody = true # PrintMICRLine = true # Number of pages to print # NumPages = 3 # Account Holder's Name, etc # -------------------------- # If any strings are empty, they will not be printed # Name1 = JOHN SMITH # Name2 = MARY SMITH # Address1 = 1234 Main Street # Address2 = # CityStateZip = Anytown, USA 12345 # PhoneNumber = 512-555-1212 # Bank information # ---------------- # If any strings are empty, they will not be printed # BankName = MegaCorp Bank, NA # BankAddr1 = 6780 Main Street # BankAddr2 = Suite 45 # BankCityStateZip = Anytown, USA 12345 # MICR Information # ---------------- # This is where you define your MICR line. Represent the On-Us symbol (||') # with a "P", the dash symbol with a "-", and a space with a "S" # The routing symbol (|:) is represented with an "R" # Your check number will be filled in in either the Aux On-Us field, or in # the On-Us field. Represent the check number spaces with "CCCC" (one # "C" for each check digit) # Auxiliary On-Us field is everything to the left of the leftmost routing # symbol (|:) Include trailing spaces! (Aux On-Us may be blank for # personal checks) # Routing field is the two routing symbols (|:) and everything in between. # Should be exactly 9 digits between the symbols. # On-Us field is everything to the RIGHT of the RIGHTMOST routing # symbol (|:). Include LEADING spaces! # AuxOnUs = # Everything to left of first |: # Routing = R012345678R # Everything between (and including) # # the two |: symbols, 9 digits + # # 2 symbols. # OnUs = S1392812PSCCCC# Everything to right of last |: # Routing Fraction # ---------------- # Fraction = 12345/67890 # Fraction at top of check [Account Sample] CheckNumber = 100 PrintCheckBody = true PrintMICRLine = true NumPages = 1 Name1 = JOHN SMITH Name2 = MARY SMITH Address1 = 1234 Main Street Address2 = CityStateZip = Anytown, USA 12345 PhoneNumber = 512-555-1212 BankName = MegaCorp Bank, NA BankAddr1 = 6780 Main Street BankAddr2 = Suite 45 BankCityStateZip = Anytown, USA 12345 AuxOnUs = Routing = R123456780R OnUs = S4232268154PSCCCC Fraction = 37-5678/1234 ################ # Check Styles # ################ # Font Names & Sizes # ------------------ # The StandardFontSize is just the basic size for non-MICR # text. Things get scaled a bit from there (Names are larger than # addresses, etc) # StandardFontName = AvantGarde-Book # StandardFontSize = 9 # Number of digits in the check number (adds leading 0s if necessary) # CheckNumDigits = 4 # This is NOT THE MICR FONT! It is the big check number on top right # CheckNumFontName = Helvetica-Bold # CheckNumFontSize = 14 # Line features # LineWidth = 0.3 # Underline = true # Check feature placement # ----------------------- # (relative to bottom of check) # Currently implemented as fraction of the check height # MemoLineHeight = 0.25 # SignatureLineHeight = 0.25 # BankInfoHeight = 0.45 # AmountLineHeight = 0.50 # PayeeLineHeight = 0.60 # DateLineHeight = 0.75 [Style Normal] CheckLayout = Original StandardFontName = AvantGarde-Book StandardFontSize = 9 CheckNumDigits = 4 CheckNumFontName = Helvetica-Bold CheckNumFontSize = 14 LineWidth = 0.3 MemoLineHeight = 0.25 SignatureLineHeight = 0.25 BankInfoHeight = 0.45 AmountLineHeight = 0.50 PayeeLineHeight = 0.60 DateLineHeight = 0.75 #LogoFile = logos/penguin-flat.eps #LogoFile = logos/gerwinski-gnu-head.eps LogoWidth = 0.7 inch LogoHeight = 0.6 inch LogoPadding = 0.0625 inch LogoBorder = 0.0312 inch LogoVerOffset = 0 LogoHorOffset = 0 # # Quicken/QuickBooks compatible check styles. # The feature placement keys AmountLineHeight, DateLineHeight, MemoLineHeight # and PayeeLineHeight are not applicable. Currently BankInfoHeight is ignored. # The BankInfo section and AccountHolder section are aligned to the TopMargin. # # If no SignatureLineHeight is specified, it will default to the height of the # Memo line. Unlike the Original style, the SignatureLineHeight is specified as # an absolute value from the bottom of the check. # # An EPS logo file specified with LogoFile will will be scaled to fit inside a # LogoWidth x LogoHeight rectangle and placed at the top left corner of the # check. # [Style QStandard] CheckLayout = QStandard StandardFontName = Helvetica StandardFontSize = 9 BoldFontName = Helvetica-Bold CheckNumDigits = 4 CheckNumFontName = Helvetica-Bold CheckNumFontSize = 14 FractionFontName = Helvetica FractionFontSize = 6 LineWidth = 0.15 Underline = true SignatureLineHeight = 1 inch #LogoFile = logos/penguin-flat.eps #LogoFile = logos/gerwinski-gnu-head.eps LogoWidth = 1 inch LogoHeight = 0.6 inch LogoBorder = 0 LogoPadding = 0 LogoVerOffset = 0 LogoHorOffset = 0 [Style QWallet] CheckLayout = QWallet StandardFontName = Helvetica StandardFontSize = 6 BoldFontName = Helvetica-Bold CheckNumDigits = 4 CheckNumFontName = Helvetica-Bold CheckNumFontSize = 14 FractionFontName = Helvetica FractionFontSize = 6 LineWidth = 0.15 Underline = false SignatureLineHeight = 0.75 inch #LogoFile = logos/penguin-flat.eps #LogoFile = logos/gerwinski-gnu-head.eps LogoWidth = 0.75 inch LogoHeight = 0.4 inch LogoBorder = 0 LogoPadding = 0 LogoVerOffset = 0 LogoHorOffset = 0 ################ # CHECK BLANKS # ################ # Keys: # Information about how the checks are laid out on the page # --------------------------------------------------------- # Actual width and height of the checks, in points or inches # CheckHeight = 3.50 inch # CheckWidth = 8.50 inch # Offsets for bottom-most check, from lower left corner of page # In points or inches # CheckHorOffset = 0.00 inch # CheckVerOffset = 4.00 inch # Number of checks on each page # ChecksPerPage = 1 # Information about where to print on each check # ---------------------------------------------- # Margins within each check - to avoid any graphics on the check blanks # (Bottom margin fixed by MICR spec) # LeftMargin = 0.40 inch # RightMargin = 0.40 inch # TopMargin = 0.25 inch [CheckBlank MVD1001] # MIP/SDLA VersaCheck MVD1001 "Business" checks CheckHeight = 3.50 inch CheckWidth = 8.50 inch CheckHorOffset = 0.00 inch CheckVerOffset = 4.00 inch ChecksPerPage = 1 LeftMargin = 0.40 inch RightMargin = 0.40 inch TopMargin = 0.25 inch [CheckBlank MVG1000] # MIPS/DLA VersaCheck MVG1000 "Business" checks CheckHeight = 3.50 inch CheckWidth = 8.50 inch CheckHorOffset = 0.00 inch CheckVerOffset = 7.50 inch ChecksPerPage = 1 LeftMargin = 0.30 inch RightMargin = 0.30 inch TopMargin = 0.25 inch [CheckBlank MVG3001] # MIPS/DLA VersaCheck MVG3001 "Personal" checks CheckHeight = 2.83 inch CheckWidth = 6.00 inch CheckHorOffset = 2.50 inch CheckVerOffset = 2.50 inch ChecksPerPage = 3 LeftMargin = 0.20 inch RightMargin = 0.25 inch TopMargin = 0.20 inch [CheckBlank MVD3000] # MIPS/DLA VersaCheck MVD3000 "Business" checks # VersaCheck Form 3000 Premium CheckHeight = 3.50 inch CheckWidth = 8.50 inch CheckHorOffset = 0.00 inch CheckVerOffset = 0.50 inch ChecksPerPage = 3 LeftMargin = 0.375 inch RightMargin = 0.375 inch TopMargin = 0.375 inch [CheckBlank MVP3001] # MIPS/DLA VersaCheck MVP3001 "Personal" checks # VersaCheck Form 3001 Prestige # CheckHeight == (PageHeight - CheckVerOffset) / ChecksPerPage # % calculated in points avoid rounding error # == 11 inch 2.5 inch sub 3 div # == 204 CheckHeight = 204 CheckWidth = 6.00 inch CheckHorOffset = 2.50 inch CheckVerOffset = 2.50 inch ChecksPerPage = 3 LeftMargin = 0.125 inch RightMargin = 0.25 inch TopMargin = 0.25 inch