FreeCheck v0.30.1, March 11, 2014 Eric Sandeen, James Klicman, Caleb Maclennan, ----------------------------------------------- | READ THE "WARNING" FILE BEFORE YOU PROCEED! | ----------------------------------------------- WHY DID YOU WRITE THIS? ----------------------- I wanted a free alternative to MIPS/VersaCheck. 'nuff said. REQUIREMENTS ------------ The first thing that you MUST have to be able to use FreeCheck is a good Type 1 MICR font. I have created one, called "GnuMICR" that I think is pretty excellent - but it has not been well tested. :) There are also commercial fonts you can buy, if that floats your boat. See, for example. You must also have either a PostScript printer, or a recent version of GhostScript. FreeCheck generates the check as a PostScript file. Technically, you must also use MICR toner. At a minimum, use a real laser printer. Also, you should use security blank check stock, not just plain paper. INSTALLATION ------------ make prefix=/ install CONFIGURATION ------------- On first run the program will copy the system default configuration file to your home directory. From there you can edit it with your accounts and any custom check styles or layouts. Edit the file ~/.freecheck.cfg to add your account information, and define any new check blanks or styles you want. Take a look at the [Global] section, too, to set things up for your system. Pay close attention to the MICR line specification instructions. Most configuration instructions can be found in this file. If something's too confusing, let me know. USAGE ----- FreeCheck just prints a PostScript file to STDOUT. That means that you must either redirect it to a file, a printer, or a viewer (ggv accepts a file on STDIN - I don't think gv does). So, to print (assuming a PostScript printer, or GhostView filter): | lpr To view: | ggv To save a file: > OPTIONS ------- freecheck doesn't require any options, unless you want it to do something useful. By itself, it will print a couple sheets of standard checks with a dummy account. Type "freecheck --help" to see what options are available For now, if you get tired of typing all those command line options, just edit the defaults at the top of the main script. HOW DOES IT WORK? ----------------- FreeCheck is a Frankenstein-like combination of PostScript and Perl, at this point. The guts of the check layout are in PostScript, which is embedded at the end of the Perl script. This PostScript depends on lots of variable definitions to decide what it should actually print. That's where the Perl comes in - reading a config file, and generating lots of lines of the type /foo {bar} def which define what's shown on the page.