const Client = require('ssb-client') const pull = require('pull-stream') const paraMap = require('pull-paramap') const Abortable = require('pull-abortable') const get = require('lodash/get') var minutes = 60*1000 Client((err, sbot) => { if (err) throw err var someTimeAgo = Number(new Date()) - 60*minutes pull( sbot.createFeedStream({ reverse: true, gt: someTimeAgo, live: true }), // source addAuthorName(), pull.drain(renderMsg) // sink ) function renderMsg (msg) { if (msg.sync) { console.log('*** up to date, now listening for new messages ***') return } console.log(`author: ${get(msg, 'value.authorName')} (${get(msg, '')})`) console.log('time:', new Date(msg.value.timestamp)) console.log('type:', get(msg, 'value.content.type')) console.log('text:', get(msg, 'value.content.text')) console.log() } function addAuthorName () { return paraMap((msg, doneCb) => { if (msg.sync) { doneCb(null, msg) return } // take a msg in, pull out the author id : @yeasdasd..asd const id = get(msg, '') const abortable = Abortable() // create a new user stream, and look for the most recent `about` message they have published pull( sbot.createUserStream({ id, reverse: true }), abortable, pull.filter(msg => { return get(msg, 'value.content.type') === 'about' && get(msg, 'value.content.about') === id }), pull.drain(aboutMsg => { // add the name from that about message to decorate the orignal msg msg.value.authorName = get(aboutMsg, '') doneCb(null, msg) // abort the stream once you'e found the most recent about msg abortable.abort() }) ) }) } })