var expected = "lFluepOmDxEUcZWlLfz0rHU61xLQYxknAEd6z4un8P8=.sha256" var msg = { "previous": "%VBfEJjeNUlxLuK0eyRzVha3TLu5PPWLwsvGgnmAdPas=.sha256", "author": "@/02iw6SFEPIHl8nMkYSwcCgRWxiG6VP547Wcp1NW8Bo=.ed25519", "sequence": 2888, "timestamp": 1457679971682, "hash": "sha256", "content": { "type": "post", "text": "oh no\n\n\n\n> The ultimate catch-22 of the new Content Security Policy wording is that it’s intended to benefit the users, by providing additional security from hypothetical malicious add-ons on websites that enforce a Content Security Policy. In the end the bookmarklet has been relegated obsolete by the change, a casualty of one clause in one section of one web specification, and end-users and developers are the ones who will mourn its demise. The path to hell is paved with good intentions.\n\n> I’d probably try to do more about it, but I’m too busy rewriting Instapaper’s bookmarklet into extensions for every major browser.\n\n", "root": "%VBfEJjeNUlxLuK0eyRzVha3TLu5PPWLwsvGgnmAdPas=.sha256", "branch": "%VBfEJjeNUlxLuK0eyRzVha3TLu5PPWLwsvGgnmAdPas=.sha256", "channel": "javascript" }, "signature": "Pv+LWJumKE8nIOfsZxgMcg/EcR/tZeJShmiVIGizERuiAMzwzTTjg78r+InmJopJwMogEG7/W3FLTnH/EOzLCg==.sig.ed25519" } var tape = require('tape') var ssbKeys = require('../') tape('test that the legacy code is as expected', function (t) { var actual = ssbKeys.hash(JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2)) t.equal(actual, expected) t.end() })