var Flume = require('flumedb') var OffsetLog = require('flumelog-offset') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var ViewHashTable = require('flumeview-hashtable') var codec = require('flumecodec/json') var path = require('path') var hash = require('ssb-keys/util').hash function getId(msg) { return '%'+hash(JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2)) } module.exports = function (config) { //we'll store out of order messages in their own log //so that we don't interfere with the views on in in-order messages //it does mean we'll download them again later if we follow //this feed, but it makes everything simpler overall //and the point of messages is to be small //and the point of ooo messages is that there //is not really that many. var log = OffsetLog( path.join(config.path, 'ooo', 'log.offset'), {blockSize:1024*16, codec:codec} ) var store = Flume(log) .use('keys', ViewHashTable(2, function (key) { var b = new Buffer(key.substring(1,7), 'base64').readUInt32BE(0) return b })) store.add = function (msg, cb) { var data = { key: getId(msg), value: msg, timestamp: } store.append(data, function (err) { if(err) cb(err) else cb(null, data) }) } return store }