var h = require('hyperscript') var human = require('human-time') var avatar = require('./avatar') var ref = require('ssb-ref') var ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys') var pull = require('pull-stream') var sbot = require('./scuttlebot') var config = require('./config')() var id = require('./keys').id module.exports.getLabels = function (msg) { var labelsDiv = h('div') pull( sbot.query({query: [{$filter: {value: { content: {type: 'label', link: msg.key}}}}], limit: 100, live: true}), pull.drain(function (labels){ console.log(labels) if (labels.value){ labelsDiv.appendChild(h('span', ' ', h('mark', h('a', {href: '#label/' + labels.value.content.label}, labels.value.content.label)))) } }) ) return labelsDiv } module.exports.labeler = function (msg) { var labelSpan = h('span') var inputter = h('input.labels', {placeholder: 'your-label'}) var labeler = h('div', inputter, h('button.btn', 'Publish label', { onclick: function () { var post = {} post.type = 'label', post.label = inputter.value, = msg.key sbot.publish(post, function (err, msg){ console.log(msg) labeler.parentNode.replaceChild(labelSpan, labeler) }) } }), h('button.btn', 'Cancel', { onclick: function () { labeler.parentNode.replaceChild(labelSpan, labeler) } }) ) var labels = h('button.btn', 'Add label', { onclick: function () { labelSpan.parentNode.replaceChild(labeler, labelSpan) } }) labelSpan.appendChild(labels) return labelSpan } module.exports.queueButton = function (src) { var queueButton = h('span.queue:' + src.key.substring(0,44)) var addToQueue = h('button.btn.right', 'Queue', { onclick: function () { var content = { type: 'queue', message: src.key, queue: true } sbot.publish(content, function (err, publish) { if (err) throw err console.log(publish) }) } }) var removeFromQueue = h('button.btn.right#', 'Done', { onclick: function () { var content = { type: 'queue', message: src.key, queue: false } sbot.publish(content, function (err, publish) { if (err) throw err console.log(publish) if (window.location.hash.substring(1) == 'queue') { setTimeout(function () { var gotIt = document.getElementById(src.key.substring(0,44)) if (gotIt != null) { gotIt.outerHTML = '' } }, 100) } }) } }) pull( sbot.query({query: [{$filter: { value: { author: id, content: {type: 'queue', message: src.key}}}}], live: true}), pull.drain(function (msg) { if (msg.value) { if (msg.value.content.queue == true) { queueButton.removeChild(queueButton.childNodes[0]) queueButton.appendChild(removeFromQueue) } if (msg.value.content.queue == false) { queueButton.removeChild(queueButton.childNodes[0]) queueButton.appendChild(addToQueue) } } }) ) queueButton.appendChild(addToQueue) return queueButton } = function (content) { return, (e) { return ref.isFeed(e) ? e : })) } module.exports.publish = function (content, cb) { if(content.recps) content = sbot.publish(content, function (err, msg) { if(err) throw err console.log('Published!', msg) if(cb) cb(err, msg) }) } module.exports.follow = function (src) { var button = h('span.button') var followButton = h('button.btn', 'Follow ',, { onclick: function () { var content = { type: 'contact', contact: src, following: true } sbot.publish(content, function (err, publish) { if (err) throw err console.log(publish) }) } }) var unfollowButton = h('button.btn', 'Unfollow ',, { onclick: function () { var content = { type: 'contact', contact: src, following: false } sbot.publish(content, function (err, publish) { if (err) throw err console.log(publish) }) } }) pull( sbot.query({query: [{$filter: { value: { author: id, content: {type: 'contact', contact: src}}}}], live: true}), pull.drain(function (msg) { if (msg.value) { if (msg.value.content.following == true) { button.removeChild(button.firstChild) button.appendChild(unfollowButton) } if (msg.value.content.following == false) { button.removeChild(button.firstChild) button.appendChild(followButton) } } }) ) button.appendChild(followButton) return button } = function (content) { return, (e) { return ref.isFeed(e) ? e : })) } module.exports.publish = function (content, cb) { if(content.recps) content = sbot.publish(content, function (err, msg) { if(err) throw err console.log('Published!', msg) if(cb) cb(err, msg) }) } module.exports.mute = function (src) { if (!localStorage[src]) var cache = {mute: false} else var cache = JSON.parse(localStorage[src]) if (cache.mute == true) { var mute = h('button.btn', 'Unmute', { onclick: function () { cache.mute = false localStorage[src] = JSON.stringify(cache) location.hash = '#' location.hash = src } }) return mute } else { var mute = h('button.btn', 'Mute', { onclick: function () { cache.mute = true localStorage[src] = JSON.stringify(cache) location.hash = '#' location.hash = src } }) return mute } } = function (msg) { var votebutton = h('' + msg.key.substring(0,44)) var vote = { type: 'vote', vote: { link: msg.key, expression: 'Star' } } if (msg.value.content.recps) { vote.recps = msg.value.content.recps } var star = h('button.btn.right', 'Star ', h('img.emoji', {src: config.emojiUrl + 'star.png'}), { onclick: function () { = 1 if (vote.recps) { vote = } sbot.publish(vote, function (err, voted) { if(err) throw err }) } } ) var unstar = h('button.btn.right ', 'Unstar ', h('img.emoji', {src: config.emojiUrl + 'stars.png'}), { onclick: function () { = -1 sbot.publish(vote, function (err, voted) { if(err) throw err }) } } ) votebutton.appendChild(star) pull( sbot.links({rel: 'vote', dest: msg.key, live: true}), pull.drain(function (link) { if (link.key) { sbot.get(link.key, function (err, data) { if (err) throw err if ( { if ( == id) { if ( == 1) votebutton.replaceChild(unstar, star) if ( == -1) votebutton.replaceChild(star, unstar) } } }) } }) ) return votebutton } function votes (msg) { var votes = h('div.votes') if (msg.key) { pull( sbot.links({rel: 'vote', dest: msg.key, live: true }), pull.drain(function (link) { if (link.key) { sbot.get(link.key, function (err, data) { if (err) throw err if ( { if ( == 1) { if (localStorage[ + 'name']) name = localStorage[ + 'name'] else name = votes.appendChild(h('a#vote:' +, 44), {href:'#' +, title: name}, h('img.emoji', {src: config.emojiUrl + 'star.png'}))) } else if ( == -1) { var lookFor = 'vote:' +, 44) document.getElementById(lookFor, function (err, gotit) { if (err) throw err gotit.parentNode.removeChild(remove) }) } } }) } }) ) } return votes } module.exports.timestamp = function (msg, edited) { var timestamp if (edited) timestamp = h('span.timestamp', 'Edited by: ', h('a', {href: '#' +}, h('span.avatar--small', avatar.cachedImage(, h('a', {href: '#' + msg.key}, human(new Date(msg.value.timestamp)))) else timestamp = h('span.timestamp', h('a', {href: '#' + msg.key}, human(new Date(msg.value.timestamp)))) return timestamp } = function (msg, content) { var mini = h('') mini.appendChild( h('span.avatar', h('a', {href: '#' +}, h('span.avatar--small', avatar.cachedImage(, avatar.cachedName( ) ) ) var lock = h('span.right', h('img.emoji', {src: config.emojiUrl + 'lock.png'})) mini.appendChild(h('span', content)) mini.appendChild(exports.timestamp(msg)) mini.appendChild(votes(msg)) if (msg.value.content.recps) { mini.appendChild(lock) } if (typeof msg.value.content === 'string') { mini.appendChild(lock) } return mini } module.exports.header = function (msg) { var header = h('div.header') header.appendChild(h('span.avatar', h('a', {href: '#' +}, h('span.avatar--small', avatar.cachedImage(, avatar.cachedName( ) ) ) header.appendChild(exports.timestamp(msg)) header.appendChild(votes(msg)) if (msg.value.private) { header.appendChild(h('span.right', ' ', h('img.emoji', {src: config.emojiUrl + 'lock.png'}))) } if (msg.value.content.type == 'edit') { header.appendChild(h('span.right', ' Edited: ', h('a', {href: '#' + msg.value.content.original}, exports.messageLink(msg.value.content.original)))) } return header } module.exports.messageName = function (id, cb) { // gets the first few characters of a message, for message-link function title (s) { var m = /^\n*([^\n]{0,40})/.exec(s) return m && (m[1].length == 40 ? m[1]+'...' : m[1]) } sbot.get(id, function (err, value) { if(err && == 'NotFoundError') return cb(null, id.substring(0, 10)+'...(missing)') if(value.content.type === 'post' && 'string' === typeof value.content.text) return cb(null, title(value.content.text)) else if('string' === typeof value.content.text) return cb(null, value.content.type + ':'+title(value.content.text)) else return cb(null, id.substring(0, 10)+'...') }) } var messageName = exports.messageName module.exports.messageLink = function (id) { if (ref.isMsg(id)) { var link = h('a', {href: '#'+id}, id.substring(0, 10)+'...') messageName(id, function (err, name) { if(err) console.error(err) else link.textContent = name }) } else { var link = id } return link } module.exports.rawJSON = function (obj) { return JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2) .split(/([%@&][a-zA-Z0-9\/\+]{43}=*\.[\w]+)/) .map(function (e) { if(ref.isMsg(e) || ref.isFeed(e) || ref.isBlob(e)) { return h('a', {href: '#' + e}, e) } return e }) } var markdown = require('ssb-markdown') var config = require('./config')() module.exports.markdown = function (msg, md) { return {innerHTML: markdown.block(msg, {toUrl: function (url, image) { if(url[0] == '%' || url[0] == '@' || url[0] == '#') return '#' + url if(url[0] !== '&') return url //if(url[0] == '&') return config.blobsUrl + url //if(!image) return url return config.blobsUrl + url }})} }