![Hermie The Crab](/icon.png) # Scuttle Shell This is a [Secure Scuttlebutt](http://scuttlebutt.nz) system tray application. It provides an always-running _sbot_ for your local system. This app also setups itself as a [Native Host App](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Native_messaging) that can be used by **authorized Firefox Add-ons** such as [Patchfox](https://github.com/soapdog/patchfox). ## Install globally ``` $ npm install -g scuttle-shell ``` or if you cloned this repo (run from the repo folder itself): ``` $ npm install -g ``` You can run the app by executing `scuttleshell` on your terminal. ## Using it programmatically Right now, there is only one feature exported by the `scuttle-shell` module which is the ability to start a server. Example: ``` let scuttleshell = require("scuttle-shell") console.log("Starting sbot, quitting after 30 seconds") scuttleshell.start() setTimeout(scuttleshell.stop, 30000) ``` ## Setup This application is built with [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org). To set it up run: ``` $ npm install ``` This should set it up. If anything fails you can check your setup with ### Checking your setup Depending on your running operating system, you can check the configuration using: ``` $ npm run check ``` or ``` $ npm run check-win ``` ### Running Setup (again) If anything went wrong during the setup or if you rename the folder this app is in, you can redo the setup with: ``` $ npm install ```