git ssb


mixmix / scuttle-shell

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Hermie The Crab

Scuttle Shell

This is a Secure Scuttlebutt system tray application. It provides an always-running sbot for your local system.

This app also setups itself as a Native Host App that can be used by authorized Firefox Add-ons such as Patchfox.


You must have Git and Node installed.

Install globally

$ npm install -g scuttle-shell

or if you cloned this repo (run from the repo folder itself):

$ npm install -g

You can run the app by executing scuttleshell on your terminal.

Using it programmatically

Right now, there is only one feature exported by the scuttle-shell module which is the ability to start a server. Example:

let scuttleshell = require("scuttle-shell")

console.log("Starting sbot, quitting after 30 seconds")

setTimeout(scuttleshell.stop, 30000)


This application is built with NodeJS. To set it up run:

$ npm install

This should set it up. If anything fails you can check your setup with

Checking your setup

Depending on your running operating system, you can check the configuration using:

$ npm run check


$ npm run check-win

Running Setup (again)

If anything went wrong during the setup or if you rename the folder this app is in, you can redo the setup with:

$ npm install


scuttle-shell supports mutliple ways to extend the sbot that it runs with pluigns (like ssb-chess-db or ssb-query).

First of all, it supports and loads the plugins that were installed by running sbot plugins.install .... These are stored under $HOME/.ssb/node_modules.

Additonally, you can either pass the file paths to the API constructor by adding a plugins field to the object you pass to .start(). Check out examples/launch_sbot_custom_plugin.js to see it in action.

Alternativly you can use the command-line flag of scuttleshell, named --extra-plugins. i.e. scuttleshell --extra-plugin path/to/plugin1 --extra-plugin path/to/plugin2. Please not that these are not installed or persisted, you need to take care of that.

If you don't want to store them in the $HOME/.ssb folder, there is also the option to create a scuttleshell.json file next to your custom scuttle-shell and set a plugins array inside it.

    'plugins': ['path/to/plug1','path/to/plug2','path/to/plug3']

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