### Table of Contents - [constructor][1] - [shutdown][2] - [startup][3] - [runMessage][4] - [incrementTicks][5] - [newActor][6] - [createModule][7] - [createActor][8] - [send][9] ## constructor the Actor manages the various message passing functions and provides an interface for the containers to use **Parameters** - `opts` **[Object][10]** - `opts.id` **ID** the UUID of the Actor - `opts.module` **[Object][10]** the module this actor was created from - `opts.state` **[Object][10]** the state of the module - `opts.storage` **[Object][10]** the actor's persistent storage - `opts.hypervisor` **[Object][10]** the instance of the hypervisor - `opts.nonce` **[Number][11]** - `opts.Container` **[Function][12]** the module constructor and arguments ## shutdown Runs the shutdown routine for the actor ## startup Runs the startup routine for the actor ## runMessage run the Actor with a given message **Parameters** - `message` **[object][10]** the message to run - `method` **[String][13]** which method to run Returns **[Promise][14]** ## incrementTicks updates the number of ticks that the actor has run **Parameters** - `count` **[Number][11]** the number of ticks to add ## newActor creates an actor from a module and code **Parameters** - `mod` **[Module][15]** the module - `code` **[Buffer][16]** the code Returns **ActorRef** ## createModule creates a modref from a module and code **Parameters** - `mod` **[Module][15]** the module - `code` **[Buffer][16]** the code Returns **ModuleRef** ## createActor creates an actor from a modref **Parameters** - `modRef` **ModuleRef** the modref Returns **ActorRef** ## send sends a message **Parameters** - `message` **Message** the message [1]: #constructor [2]: #shutdown [3]: #startup [4]: #runmessage [5]: #incrementticks [6]: #newactor [7]: #createmodule [8]: #createactor [9]: #send [10]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object [11]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number [12]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/function [13]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String [14]: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise [15]: https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html [16]: https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html