const tape = require('tape') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const Vertex = require('merkle-trie') const Address = require('../deps/address') const Block = require('../deps/block') const U256 = require('../deps/u256') // TODO remove fakeblockchain const fakeBlockChain = require('../fakeBlockChain.js') const Hypervisor = require('../hypervisor.js') const Message = require('../message.js') const common = require('../common') const dir = path.join(__dirname, '/interface') // get the test names let tests = fs.readdirSync(dir).filter((file) => file.endsWith('.wast')) // tests = ['sstore.wast'] runTests(tests) function runTests (tests) { for (let testName of tests) { testName = testName.split('.')[0] tape(testName, async (t) => { const hypervisor = new Hypervisor() const rootVertex = hypervisor.state const code = fs.readFileSync(`${dir}/${testName}.wasm`) const envData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${dir}/${testName}.json`).toString()) for (let address in envData.state) { const account = envData.state[address] const accountVertex = new Vertex() accountVertex.set('code', new Vertex({ value: code })) accountVertex.set('balance', new Vertex({ value: new Buffer(account.balance.slice(2), 'hex') })) for (let key in { accountVertex.set(['storage', Buffer(key.slice(2), 'hex')], new Vertex({ value: new Buffer([key].slice(2), 'hex') })) } const path = ['accounts', address] rootVertex.set(path, accountVertex) } rootVertex.set('blockchain', new Vertex({ value: fakeBlockChain })) const block = new Block() block.header.coinbase = new Address(envData.coinbase) const message = new Message() = ['accounts', envData.caller, common.PARENT, envData.address, 'code'] = new Buffer(envData.callData.slice(2), 'hex') message.value = new U256(envData.callValue) message.gas = 1000000 message.block = block message.blockchain = fakeBlockChain const results = await hypervisor.send(message) // console.log(results) t.equals(results.exception, undefined) t.end() }) } }