const opcodes = require('./opcodes.js') /** * Debug Interface * This expose some functions that can help with debugging wast */ // This is ASCII only function Uint8ArrayToString (input) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, input) } function Uint8ArrayToHexString (input) { return new Buffer(input).toString('hex') } module.exports = class DebugInterface { setModule (mod) { this.module = mod } get exportTable () { return { 'print': function (a) { console.log(a) }, 'printHex': function (offset, length) { console.log(``) }.bind(this), 'evmStackTrace': function (sp, op) { const opcode = opcodes(op) if (opcode.number) { += opcode.number } console.error( console.log('-------------stack--------------') for (let i = sp; i > 0; i -= 32) { console.log(`${(sp - i) / 32} ${Uint8ArrayToHexString(new Uint8Array(this.module.exports.memory, i - 24, 32))}`) } return sp }.bind(this) } } }