const Message = require('primea-message') const DeleteMessage = require('./deleteMessage.js') module.exports = class CreationService { constructor (opts) { this.hypervisor = opts.hypervisor this.scheduler = this.hypervisor.scheduler } queue (port, message) { if ([0] === 0x00) { let id if (message.fromId) { const creator = this.scheduler.getInstance(message.fromId) id = creator.generateNextId() } return this.createInstance(message, id) } else if (message.responsePort && !(message instanceof DeleteMessage)) { this.send(message.responsePort, new Message({ ports: [this.getPort()] })) } } getPort () { return { messages: [], destId: 0 } } send (port, message) { message._hops++ message._fromTicks = this.ticks message.fromId = return this.hypervisor.send(port, message) } /** * creates an new container instances and save it in the state * @returns {Promise} */ async createInstance (message, id = {nonce: 0, parent: null}) { const encoded = encodedID(id) const idHash = await this._getHashFromObj(encoded) const state = { nonce: 0, ports: {}, type:[1] } const code = if (code.length) { state.code = code } // create the container instance const instance = await this.hypervisor._loadInstance(idHash, state) // send the intialization message await instance.create(message) // save the container in the state await this.hypervisor.tree.set(idHash, state) if (!Object.keys(instance.ports.ports).length) { this.hypervisor.addNodeToCheck( } return instance } get state () { return {} } // get a hash from a POJO _getHashFromObj (obj) { return this.hypervisor.tree.constructor.getMerkleLink(obj) } } function encodedID (id) { const nonce = Buffer.from([id.nonce]) if (id.parent) { return Buffer.concat([nonce, id.parent]) } else { return nonce } }