const Wasm = require('./wasmAgent') module.exports = class Test extends Wasm { /** * Runs the core VM with a given environment and imports */ async run (message, kernel, imports) { const responses = this.responses = {} /** * Builds a import map with an array of given interfaces */ async function buildImports (kernelApi, kernel, imports) { const importMap = {} for (const Import of imports) { const response = responses[] = {} const newIterface = new Import(kernelApi, message, response) importMap[] = newIterface.exports // initailize the import await newIterface.initialize() } return importMap } let instance const interfaceApi = this.api = { /** * adds an aync operation to the operations queue */ pushOpsQueue: (promise, callbackIndex, intefaceCallback) => { this._opsQueue = Promise.all([this._opsQueue, promise]).then(values => { const result = intefaceCallback(values.pop()) instance.exports.callback.get(callbackIndex)(result) }) }, memory: () => { return instance.exports.memory.buffer }, kernel: kernel } const initializedImports = await buildImports(interfaceApi, kernel, imports) this.instance = instance = WebAssembly.Instance(this._module, initializedImports) if (instance.exports.main) { instance.exports.main() } await this.onDone() return responses } }