const {wasm2json, json2wasm} = require('wasm-json-toolkit') const Message = require('./message.js') const wasmMetering = require('wasm-metering') const customTypes = require('./customTypes.js') const typeCheckWrapper = require('./typeCheckWrapper.js') const ReferanceMap = require('reference-map') const leb128 = require('leb128') const nativeTypes = new Set(['i32', 'i64', 'f32', 'f64']) const LANGUAGE_TYPES = { 'actor': 0x0, 'buf': 0x1, 'elem': 0x2, 'i32': 0x7f, 'i64': 0x7e, 'f32': 0x7d, 'f64': 0x7c, 'anyFunc': 0x70, 'func': 0x60, 'block_type': 0x40, 0x0: 'actor', 0x1: 'buf', 0x7f: 'i32', 0x7e: 'i64', 0x7d: 'f32', 0x7c: 'f64', 0x70: 'anyFunc', 0x60: 'func', 0x40: 'block_type' } class ElementBuffer { constructor (size) { this._array = new Array(size) } serialize () { const serialized = => ref.serailize()) return Buffer.concat(Buffer.from([LANGUAGE_TYPES['elem']]), leb128.encode(serialized.length), serialized) } static deserialize (serialized) {} } class DataBuffer { constructor (memory, offset, length) { this._data = new Uint8Array(this.instance.exports.memory.buffer, offset, length) } serialize () { return Buffer.concat(Buffer.from([LANGUAGE_TYPES['elem']]), leb128.encode(this._data.length), this._data) } static deserialize (serialized) {} } class LinkRef { serialize () { return Buffer.concat(Buffer.from([LANGUAGE_TYPES['link'], this])) } static deserialize (serialized) {} } class FunctionRef { static get type () { return 'funcRef' } constructor (name, json, id) { = name this.destId = id this.args = [] const typeIndex = json.typeMap[name] const type = json.type[typeIndex] const wrapper = typeCheckWrapper(type) const wasm = json2wasm(wrapper) this.mod = WebAssembly.Module(wasm) const self = this const instance = WebAssembly.Instance(this.mod, { 'env': { 'checkTypes': function () { const args = [...arguments] const checkedArgs = [] while (args.length) { const type = LANGUAGE_TYPES[args.shift()] let arg = args.shift() if (!nativeTypes.has(type)) { arg = self._container.refs.get(arg, type) } checkedArgs.push(arg) } const message = new Message({ funcRef: self, funcArguments: checkedArgs }) } } }) this.wrapper = instance } set container (container) { this._container = container } } module.exports = class WasmContainer { constructor (actor) { = actor this.refs = new ReferanceMap() } static async onCreation (wasm, id, cachedb) { WebAssembly.validate(wasm) let moduleJSON = wasm2json(wasm) const json = mergeTypeSections(moduleJSON) moduleJSON = wasmMetering.meterJSON(moduleJSON, { meterType: 'i32' }) wasm = json2wasm(moduleJSON) await Promise.all([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cachedb.put(id.toString() + 'meta', JSON.stringify(json), resolve) }), new Promise((resolve, reject) => { cachedb.put(id.toString() + 'code', wasm.toString('hex'), resolve) }) ]) const refs = {} Object.keys(json.typeMap).forEach(key => { refs[key] = new FunctionRef(key, json, id) }) return refs } sendMessage () { console.log('send') } getInteface (funcRef) { const self = this return { func: { externalize: () => {}, internalize: (ref, index) => { const funcRef = self.refs.get(ref, 'funcRef') funcRef.container = self this.instance.exports.table.set(index, funcRef.wrapper.exports.check) }, catch: (ref, catchRef) => { const {funcRef} = self.refs.get(ref, FunctionRef) const {funcRef: catchFunc} = self.refs.get(ref, FunctionRef) funcRef.catch = catchFunc }, getGasAmount: (funcRef) => {}, setGasAmount: (funcRef) => {} }, link: { wrap: (ref) => { const obj = this.refs.get(ref) const link = new LinkRef(obj.serialize()) return this.refs.add(link, 'link') }, unwrap: async (ref, cb) => { const obj = this.refs.get(ref, 'link') const promise = await this._opsQueue.push(promise) // todo } }, module: { new: code => {}, exports: (mod, name) => {}, self: () => { return this.refs.add(this.json) } }, memory: { externalize: (index, length) => { const buf = this.getMemory(index, length) return this.refs.add(buf, 'buf') }, internalize: (dataRef, writeOffset, readOffset, length) => { let buf = this.refs.get(dataRef, 'buf') buf = buf.subarray(readOffset, length) const mem = this.getMemory(writeOffset, buf.length) mem.set(buf) } }, table: { externalize: (index, length) => { const mem = this.getMemory(index, length * 4) const objects = [] while (length--) { const ref = mem[index + length] if (this.refs.has(ref)) { objects.push(ref) } else { throw new Error('invalid ref') } } const eleBuf = new ElementBuffer(objects) return this.refs.add(eleBuf, 'ele') }, internalize: (dataRef, writeOffset, readOffset, length) => { let buf = this.refs.get(dataRef, 'ele') buf = buf.subarray(readOffset, length) const mem = this.getMemory(writeOffset, buf.length) mem.set(buf) } }, metering: { usegas: (amount) => { funcRef.gas -= amount if (funcRef.gas < 0) { throw new Error('out of gas! :(') } } } } } async onMessage (message) { const funcRef = message.funcRef const intef = this.getInteface(funcRef) this.instance = WebAssembly.Instance(this.mod, intef) if (this.instance.exports.table) { this._orginalTable = this.instance.exports.table } const args = => { if (typeof arg === 'number') { return arg } else { return this.refs.add(arg, arg.constructor.type) } }) this.instance.exports[](...args) await this.onDone() this.refs.clear() } /** * returns a promise that resolves when the wasm instance is done running * @returns {Promise} */ async onDone () { let prevOps while (prevOps !== this._opsQueue) { prevOps = this._opsQueue await prevOps } } /** * Pushed an async operation to the a promise queue that * @returns {Promise} the returned promise resolves in the order the intail * operation was pushed to the queue */ pushOpsQueue (promise) { this._opsQueue = Promise.all([this._opsQueue, promise]) return this._opsQueue } getFuncRef (name, send) { const funcRef = new FunctionRef(this.json, name, send) return funcRef } async onStartup () { let [json, wasm] = await Promise.all([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + 'meta', (err, json) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(json) } }) }), new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + 'code', (err, wasm) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(wasm) } }) }) ]) wasm = Buffer.from(wasm, 'hex') json = JSON.parse(json) this.mod = WebAssembly.Module(wasm) this.json = json } getMemory (offset, length) { return new DataBuffer(this.instance.exports.memory.buffer, offset, length) } static get typeId () { return 9 } } function mergeTypeSections (json) { const typeInfo = { typeMap: [], type: [] } let typeSection = { 'entries': [] } let importSection = { 'entries': [] } let functionSection = { 'entries': [] } let exportSection = { 'entries': [] } json.forEach(section => { switch ( { case 'type': typeSection = section break case 'export': exportSection = section break case 'import': importSection = section break case 'function': functionSection = section break case 'custom': switch (section.sectionName) { case 'type': typeInfo.type = customTypes.decodeType(section.payload) break case 'typeMap': typeInfo.typeMap = customTypes.decodeTypeMap(section.payload) break } break } }) const foundTypes = new Map() const mappedFuncs = new Map() const newTypeMap = {} typeInfo.typeMap.forEach(map => mappedFuncs.set(map.func, map.type)) for (let exprt of exportSection.entries) { if (exprt.kind === 'function') { if (!mappedFuncs.has(exprt.index)) { const typeIndex = functionSection.entries[exprt.index - importSection.entries.length] if (!foundTypes.has(typeIndex)) { const customIndex = typeInfo.type.push(typeSection.entries[typeIndex]) - 1 foundTypes.set(typeIndex, customIndex) } const customIndex = foundTypes.get(typeIndex) newTypeMap[exprt.field_str] = customIndex } else { newTypeMap[exprt.field_str] = mappedFuncs.get(exprt.index) } } } typeInfo.typeMap = newTypeMap return typeInfo }