const EventEmitter = require('events') const Vertex = require('merkle-trie') const PortManager = require('./portManager.js') const StateInterface = require('./stateInterface.js') const imports = require('./EVMinterface.js') const codeHandler = require('./codeHandler.js') module.exports = class Kernel extends EventEmitter { constructor (opts = {}) { super() // set up the state const state = this.state = opts.state || new Vertex() this.stateInterface = new StateInterface(state) this.path = state.path // set up the vm this.imports = opts.imports || [imports] this._vm = (opts.codeHandler || codeHandler).init(opts.code || state.value) this._state = 'idle' // set up ports this.ports = new PortManager(state, opts.parentPort, Kernel) this._sentAtomicMessages = [] this.ports.on('message', index => { this.runNextMessage(index) }) } runNextMessage (index = 0) { return this.ports.peek(index).then(message => { if (message && (message._isCyclic(this) || this._state === 'idle')) { this._currentMessage = message this.ports.remove(index) return } else { this._state = 'idle' this.emit('idle') } }) } /** * run the kernels code with a given enviroment * The Kernel Stores all of its state in the Environment. The Interface is used * to by the VM to retrive infromation from the Environment. */ async run (message, imports = this.imports) { function revert (oldState) { // revert the state this.state.set([], oldState) // revert all the sent messages for (let msg in this._sentAtomicMessages) { msg.revert() } } const oldState = this.state.copy() let result this._state = 'running' try { result = await, this, imports) || {} } catch (e) { result = { exception: true, exceptionError: e } } if (message.atomic) { // if we trapped revert all the sent messages if (result.execption) { // revert to the old state revert(oldState) } message._finish() message.result().then(result => { if (result.execption) { revert() } else { this.runNextMessage(0) } }) if (message.hops === || result.exception) { message._respond(result) } } else { // non-atomic messages this.runNextMessage(0) } return result } async send (message) { if (message.atomic) { // record that this message has traveled thourgh this kernel. This is used // to detect re-entry message._visited(this, this._currentMessage) // recoded that this message was sent, so that we can revert it if needed this._sentAtomicMessages.push(message) } return this.ports.send(message) } shutdown () {} }