createHandler (create) { let code = // Inject metering if (Utils.isWASMCode(code)) { // FIXME: decide if these are the right values here: from: 0, gasLimit: 0, value: 0 code = this.callHandler({ from:, to: meteringContract, gasLimit: 0, value: new U256(0), data: code }).returnValue if (code[0] === 0) { code = code.slice(1) } else { throw new Error('Metering injection failed: ' + Buffer.from(code).slice(1).toString()) } } let account = this.environment.state.get(create.from.toString()) if (!account) { throw new Error('Account not found: ' + create.from.toString()) } let address = Utils.newAccountAddress(create.from, account.get('nonce')) this.environment.addAccount(address.toString(), { balance: create.value, code: code }) // Run code and take return value as contract code // FIXME: decide if these are the right values here: value: 0, data: '' code = this.messageHandler({ from: create.from, to: address, gasLimit: create.gasLimit, value: new U256(0), data: new Uint8Array() }).returnValue // FIXME: special handling for selfdestruct this.environment.state.get(address.toString()).set('code', code) return { executionOutcome: 1, // success gasLeft: new U256(this.environment.gasLeft), gasRefund: new U256(this.environment.gasRefund), accountCreated: address, logs: this.environment.logs } }