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wanderer🌟 / js-primea-hypervisor

Tree: 016c6df49758e5db4d0f3caaf955ad714e137afc

Files: 016c6df49758e5db4d0f3caaf955ad714e137afc / examples / index.js

3572 bytesRaw
1const IPFS = require('ipfs')
2const Hypervisor = require('../')
4// the hypervisor store all of it's state using ipfs.dag api
6const node = new IPFS({
7 start: false
10// the Hypervisor starts an manages "containers"
11class ExampleContainer {
12 // the constructor is given an instance of the kernel
13 //
14 constructor (kernel) {
15 this.kernel = kernel
16 }
18 // this method runs once when the container is intailly created. It is given
19 // a message with a single port, which is a channel to its parent with the
20 // exception of the root container (the container that is intailial created)
21 initialize (message) {
22 const port = message.ports[0]
23 // the root container doesn't get a port
24 if (port) {
25 this.kernel.ports.bind('parent', port)
26 }
27 }
29 // the function is called for each message that a container gets
30 run (message) {
31 if ( === 'bindPort') {
32 this.kernel.ports.bind('channel', message.ports[0])
33 }
34 }
37// wait untill the ipfs node is ready
38node.on('ready', async() => {
39 // create a new hypervisor instance
40 const hypervisor = new Hypervisor(node.dag)
41 hypervisor.registerContainer('example', ExampleContainer)
43 // create a root instance of the example container
44 const root = await hypervisor.createInstance('example')
46 // create two channels
47 const [portRef1, portRef2] = root.ports.createChannel()
48 const [portRef3, portRef4] = root.ports.createChannel()
50 // create two instances of the example container. These containers wiil be
51 // given channels to the parent container
52 root.createInstance('example', root.createMessage({
53 ports: [portRef2]
54 }))
56 root.createInstance('example', root.createMessage({
57 ports: [portRef4]
58 }))
60 // bind the ports of the channels to the newly created containers. Binding
61 // ports allows the root container tt receieve messages from the containers.
62 // If no other container bound these ports then the corrisponding containers
63 // would be garbage collected
64 root.ports.bind('one', portRef1)
65 root.ports.bind('two', portRef3)
67 // create a new channel. Each channel has two corrisponding ports that
68 // containers can communicate over
69 const [chanRef1, chanRef2] = root.ports.createChannel()
71 // send the newly created ports to each of the containers. Once both the
72 // recieving containers bind the ports they will be able to communicate
73 // directly with each other over them
74 await root.send(portRef1, root.createMessage({
75 data: 'bindPort',
76 ports: [chanRef1]
77 }))
79 await root.send(portRef3, root.createMessage({
80 data: 'bindPort',
81 ports: [chanRef2]
82 }))
84 // after the recieving containers bind the ports in the messages the channel
85 // topology will look like this. Where "[]" are the containers, "*" are the
86 // ports that the container have and "(name)" is the port name.
87 //
88 // root container
89 // [ ]
90 // (one) * * (two)
91 // / \
92 // / \
93 // / \
94 // (parent)* * (parent)
95 // [ ]*--------*[ ]
96 // (channel) (channel)
98 // create a new state root. The state root is not created untill the
99 // hypervisor has finished all of it's work
100 const stateRoot = await hypervisor.createStateRoot()
101 console.log(stateRoot)
102 console.log('--------full state dump---------')
103 await hypervisor.graph.tree(stateRoot, Infinity)
104 console.log(JSON.stringify(stateRoot, null, 2))

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