Files: 14c655005ac11feb6ce6fb9b0616076899bea8a0 / karma.conf.js
568 bytesRaw
1 | // |
2 | module.exports = function (config) { |
3 | config.set({ |
4 | browsers: ['PhantomJS'], |
5 | frameworks: ['browserify', 'jasmine'], |
6 | files: ['test/unit/**/*.js'], |
7 | reporters: ['spec'], |
8 | preprocessors: { |
9 | 'test/unit/**/*.js': ['browserify'] |
10 | }, |
11 | browserify: { |
12 | debug: true, |
13 | // needed to enable mocks |
14 | plugin: [require('proxyquireify').plugin] |
15 | }, |
16 | // if you want to continuously re-run tests on file-save, |
17 | // replace the following line with `autoWatch: true` |
18 | singleRun: true |
19 | }) |
20 | } |
21 |
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