var pull = require('pull-stream') var muxrpc = require('muxrpc') var address = require('ssb-address') var ws = require('pull-ws-server') var Serializer = require('pull-serializer') var loadManf = require('ssb-manifest/load') var ssbFeed = require('secure-scuttlebutt/feed') var ssbDefaults = require('secure-scuttlebutt/defaults') function isFunction (f) { return 'function' === typeof f } function throwIfError(err) { if(err) throw err } module.exports = function (config) { var manifest //if we are in the browser config = config || {} = || 'localhost' var client = muxrpc(loadManf(config), { auth: 'async' }, serialize)({ auth: function (req, cb) { // when this connects to a server, the server auths // back to see who this is. we don't have any apis // for the server to call (yet) so this doesn't do anything. // however, if we don't just let this go through, the server // log shows a nasty error log. cb() } }) var wsStream var rpcStream client.connect = function(addr, cb) { if(isFunction(addr)) cb = addr, addr = null addr = address(addr || config) client.addr = addr if (wsStream) { wsStream.close() client._emit('reconnecting') } var called = false wsStream = ws.connect(addr, { onOpen: function() { client._emit('connect') if(called) return called = true; cb && cb() }, onClose: function() { client._emit('close') //rpcStream will detect close on it's own. if(called) return called = true; cb && cb() } }) rpcStream = client.createStream() pull(wsStream, rpcStream, wsStream) return client } client.close = function(cb) { wsStream.close() rpcStream.close(cb ? cb : throwIfError) return client } client.reconnect = function(opts) { opts = opts || {} client.close(function() { if (opts.wait) setTimeout(client.connect.bind(client, client.addr), opts.wait) else client.connect(client.addr) }) return client } client.createFeed = function (keys) { return ssbFeed(this, keys, ssbDefaults) } return client } function serialize (stream) { return Serializer(stream, JSON, {split: '\n\n'}) }