var path = require('path') var home = require('os-homedir') var nonPrivate = require('non-private-ip') var merge = require('deep-extend') var RC = require('rc') var SEC = 1e3 var MIN = 60*SEC module.exports = function (name, override) { name = name || 'ssb' var HOME = home() || 'browser' //most probably browser var port = override.port || 8008 return RC(name || 'ssb', merge({ //just use an ipv4 address by default. //there have been some reports of seemingly non-private //ipv6 addresses being returned and not working. // party: true, host: nonPrivate.v4 || '', port: port, timeout: 0, pub: true, local: true, friends: { dunbar: 150, hops: 3 }, ws: { port: 8989 }, gossip: { connections: 3 }, connections: { incoming: { net: [{ port: port, scope: "public", "transform": "shs" }] }, outgoing: { net: [{ transform: "shs" }] } }, path: path.join(HOME, '.' + name), timers: { connection: 0, reconnect: 5*SEC, ping: 5*MIN, handshake: 5*SEC }, //change these to make a test network that will not connect to the main network. caps: { //this is the key for accessing the ssb protocol. //this will be updated whenever breaking changes are made. //(see secret-handshake paper for a full explaination) //(generated by crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('base64')) shs: '1KHLiKZvAvjbY1ziZEHMXawbCEIM6qwjCDm3VYRan/s=', //used to sign messages sign: null }, master: [], logging: { level: 'notice' }, party: true //disable quotas }, override || {})) }