# Contact ## `contact.async.follow` `(id, cb)` - follow feed with key = `id` ## `contact.async.unfollow` `(id, cb)` - unfollow feed with key = `id` ## `contact.async.followerOf` ... ## `contact.async.block` `(id, cb)` - block feed with key = `id` Note that blocking influences the observeable state of following, followers, blockers, blocking, ## `contact.async.unblock` `(id, cb)` - unblock feed with key = `id` ## `contact.obs.following` `(id)` returns an observeable which resolves to an array of feeds that `id` is following ## `contact.obs.followers` `(id)` returns an observeable which resolves to an array of feeds that follow `id` ## `contact.obs.blocking` `(id)` returns an observeable which resolves to an array of feeds that `id` is blocking ## `contact.obs.blockers` `(id)` returns an observeable which resolves to an array of feeds that block `id`