var nest = require('depnest') var MutantPullReduce = require('mutant-pull-reduce') var ref = require('ssb-ref') exports.needs = nest({ 'sbot.pull.query': 'first', '': 'first' }) = nest({ 'contact.obs': ['following', 'followers'], 'sbot.hook.feed': true }) exports.create = function (api) { var followingCache = {} var followerCache = {} return nest({ 'contact.obs': { following, followers }, 'sbot.hook.feed': function (msg) { if (isContact(msg) && msg.timestamp) { var author = var contact = var following = msg.value.content.following var from = followingCache[author] var to = followerCache[contact] if (from) from.push({id: contact, value: following, timestamp: msg.timestamp}) if (to) to.push({id: author, value: following, timestamp: msg.timestamp}) } } }) function following (id) { if (!ref.isFeed(id)) throw new Error('a feed id must be specified') if (!followingCache[id]) { followingCache[id] = reduce(api.sbot.pull.query({ query: [ makeQuery(id, { $prefix: '@' }), {'$map': { id: ['value', 'content', 'contact'], value: ['value', 'content', 'following'], timestamp: 'timestamp' }} ], live: true })) } return followingCache[id] } function followers (id) { if (!ref.isFeed(id)) throw new Error('a feed id must be specified') if (!followerCache[id]) { followerCache[id] = reduce(api.sbot.pull.query({ query: [ makeQuery({ $prefix: '@' }, id), {'$map': { id: ['value', 'author'], value: ['value', 'content', 'following'], timestamp: 'timestamp' }} ], live: true })) } return followerCache[id] } } function reduce (stream) { var newestValues = {} return MutantPullReduce(stream, (result, item) => { if (!ref.isFeed( return result // invalid message, skip this item newestValues[] = newestValues[] || 0 if (newestValues[] < item.timestamp) { newestValues[] = item.timestamp if (item.value != null) { if (item.value) { result.add( } else { result.delete( } } } return result }, { startValue: new Set() }) } function makeQuery (a, b) { return {'$filter': { value: { author: a, content: { type: 'contact', contact: b } } }} } function isContact (msg) { return msg.value && msg.value.content && msg.value.content.type === 'contact' }