// read stream to get events // for each item, check to see if already rendered root // accept prioritized list (render these first) var pull = require('pull-stream') var nest = require('depnest') var extend = require('xtend') var HLRU = require('hashlru') var resolve = require('mutant/resolve') var onceTrue = require('mutant/once-true') exports.needs = nest({ 'backlinks.obs.for': 'first', 'sbot.async.get': 'first', 'message.sync.isBlocked': 'first', 'message.sync.root': 'first', 'message.sync.unbox': 'first' }) exports.gives = nest('feed.pull.rollup', true) exports.create = function (api) { // cache mostly just to avoid reading the same roots over and over again // not really big enough for multiple refresh cycles var cache = HLRU(100) return nest('feed.pull.rollup', function (rootFilter) { var seen = new Set() return pull( pull.map(msg => { if (msg.value) { var root = api.message.sync.root(msg) if (!root) { // already a root, pass thru! return msg } else { return root } } }), // UNIQUE pull.filter(idOrMsg => { if (idOrMsg) { if (idOrMsg.key) idOrMsg = idOrMsg.key if (typeof idOrMsg === 'string') { var key = idOrMsg if (!seen.has(key)) { seen.add(key) return true } } } }), // LOOKUP (if needed) pull.asyncMap((keyOrMsg, cb) => { if (keyOrMsg.value) { cb(null, keyOrMsg) } else { var key = keyOrMsg if (cache.has(key)) { cb(null, cache.get(key)) } else { api.sbot.async.get(key, (_, value) => { var msg = {key, value} if (msg.value) { cache.set(key, msg) } cb(null, msg) }) } } }), // UNBOX (if needed) pull.map(msg => { if (msg.value && typeof msg.value.content === 'string') { var unboxed = api.message.sync.unbox(msg) if (unboxed) return unboxed } return msg }), // FILTER pull.filter(msg => msg && msg.value), pull.filter(rootFilter || (() => true)), pull.filter(msg => !api.message.sync.isBlocked(msg)), // ADD REPLIES pull.asyncMap((rootMessage, cb) => { // use global backlinks cache var backlinks = api.backlinks.obs.for(rootMessage.key) onceTrue(backlinks.sync, () => { var replies = resolve(backlinks).filter(msg => { return api.message.sync.root(msg) === rootMessage.key && !api.message.sync.isBlocked(msg) }) cb(null, extend(rootMessage, { replies })) }) }) ) }) }