const mod = require('./build/bls_lib.js') const exportedFuncs = require('./exportedFuncs.json') let init = false let initCb = () => {} /** * takes a callback that is called once the module is setup * @params {Function} cb - the callback tobe called once the module is intailized */ exports.onModuleInit = function (cb) { if (init) { cb() } else { init = true initCb = cb } } /** * the FP254BNB curve */ exports.MCLBN_CURVE_FP254BNB = 0 /** * the FP382_1 curve */ exports.MCLBN_CURVE_FP382_1 = 1 /** * the FP382_2 curve */ exports.MCLBN_CURVE_FP382_2 = 2 const MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE = 6 const FR_SIZE = MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE * 8 const ID_SIZE = FR_SIZE const G1_SIZE = FR_SIZE * 3 const G2_SIZE = FR_SIZE * 3 * 2 mod.onRuntimeInitialized = function () { exportedFuncs.forEach(func => { exports[func.exportName] = mod.cwrap(, func.returns, func.args) }) /** * intailizes the libary to use a given curve * @param {number} curve - the curves that can be used are MCLBN_CURVE_FP254BNB, MCLBN_CURVE_FP382_1 or MCLBN_CURVE_FP382_2 */ exports.init = function (curve = exports.MCLBN_CURVE_FP254BNB) { return exports._init(curve, MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE) } /** * allocates a secret key * @returns {number} the pointer to the key */ exports.secretKey = function () { return mod._malloc(FR_SIZE) } /** * allocates a secret key * @returns {number} the pointer to the key */ exports.publicKey = function () { return mod._malloc(G2_SIZE) } /** * allocates a signature * @returns {number} the pointer to the signture */ exports.signature = function () { return mod._malloc(G1_SIZE) } /** * frees a pointer */ = function (x) { mod._free(x) } /** * signs a message * @param {number} sig - a pointer to the a signature * @param {number} sk - a pointer to the secret key * @param {TypedArray|String} msg - the message to sign */ exports.sign = wrapInput(exports._sign) /** * verifies a signature * @param {number} sig - a pointer to the a signature * @param {number} pk - a pointer to the secret key * @param {TypedArray|String} msg - the message that was signed */ exports.verify = wrapInput(exports._verify, true) /** * given a pointer to a public key this returns 64 byte Int8Array containing the key * @param {number} pk - a pointer to the secret key * @return {TypedArray} */ exports.publicKeySerialize = wrapOutput(exports._publicKeySerialize, 64) /** * given a pointer to a secret key this returns 32 byte Int8Array containing the key * @param {number} pk - a pointer to the secret key * @return {TypedArray} */ exports.secretKeySerialize = wrapOutput(exports._secretKeySerialize, 32) /** * given a pointer to a signature this returns 32 byte Int8Array containing the signature * @param {number} pk - a pointer to the secret key * @return {TypedArray} */ exports.signatureSerialize = wrapOutput(exports._signatureSerialize, 32) /** * write a secretKey to memory * @param {number} sk - a pointer to a secret key * @param {TypedArray} array - the secret key as a 32 byte TypedArray */ exports.secretKeyDeserialize = wrapInput(exports._secretKeyDeserialize, true) /** * write a publicKey to memory * @param {number} sk - a pointer to a secret key * @param {TypedArray} array - the secret key as a 64 byte TypedArray */ exports.publicKeyDeserialize = wrapInput(exports._publicKeyDeserialize, true) /** * write a signature to memory * @param {number} sig - a pointer to a signature * @param {TypedArray} array - the signature as a 32 byte TypedArray */ exports.signatureDeserialize = wrapInput(exports._signatureDeserialize, true) /** * Recovers a secret key for a group given the groups secret keys shares and the groups ids * @param {number} sk - a pointer to a secret key that will be generated * @param {Array} sksArray - an array of pointers to the groups secret key shares. The length of the array should be the threshold number for the group * @param {Array} idArrah - an array of pointers to ids in the groups. The length of the array should be the threshold number for the group */ exports.secretKeyRecover = wrapRecover(exports._secretKeyRecover, FR_SIZE, ID_SIZE) /** * Recovers a public key for a group given the groups public keys shares and the groups ids * @param {number} pk - a pointer to a secret key that will be generated * @param {Array} pksArray - an array of pointers to the groups public key shares. The length of the array should be the threshold number for the group * @param {Array} idArrah - an array of pointers to ids in the groups. The length of the array should be the threshold number for the group */ exports.publicKeyRecover = wrapRecover(exports._publicKeyRecover, G2_SIZE, ID_SIZE) /** * Recovers a signature for a group given the groups public keys shares and the groups ids * @param {number} sig - a pointer to the signature that will be generated * @param {Array} sigArray - an array of pointers to signature shares. The length of the array should be the threshold number for the group * @param {Array} idArrah - an array of pointers to ids in the groups. The length of the array should be the threshold number for the group */ exports.signatureRecover = wrapRecover(exports._signatureRecover, G1_SIZE, ID_SIZE) /** * Creates a secket key share for a group member given the groups members id (which is a the secret key) and array of master secret keys * @param {number} skshare - a pointer to a secret key that will be generated * @param {Array} msk - an array of master secret keys. The number of keys is the threshould of the group. * @param {number} id - the id of the member */ exports.secretKeyShare = wrapKeyShare(exports._secretKeyShare, FR_SIZE) /** * Creates a public key share for a group member given the groups members id (which is a the secret key) and array of master public keys * @param {number} pkshare - a pointer to a secret key that will be generated * @param {Array} mpk - an array of master public keys. The number of keys is the threshould of the group. * @param {number} id - the id of the member */ exports.publicKeyShare = wrapKeyShare(exports._publicKeyShare, G2_SIZE) initCb() } function wrapInput (func, returnValue = false) { return function () { const args = [...arguments] const buf = args.pop() const ioMode = 0 const pos = mod._malloc(buf.length) if (typeof buf === 'string') { mod.writeStringToMemory(buf, pos) } else { mod.HEAP8.set(buf, pos) } let r = func(...args, pos, buf.length, ioMode) mod._free(pos) if (returnValue) return r } } function wrapOutput (func, size) { return function (x, ioMode = 0) { const pos = mod._malloc(size) const n = func(pos, size, x, ioMode) const a = mod.HEAP8.slice(pos, pos + n) mod._free(pos) return a } } function wrapKeyShare (func, dataSize) { return function (x, vec, id) { const k = vec.length const p = mod._malloc(dataSize * k) for (let i = 0; i < k; i++) { mod._memcpy(p + i * dataSize, vec[i], dataSize) } const r = func(x, p, k, id) mod._free(p) return r } } function wrapRecover (func, dataSize, idDataSize) { return function (x, vec, idVec) { const n = vec.length const p = mod._malloc(dataSize * n) const q = mod._malloc(idDataSize * n) for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { mod._memcpy(p + i * dataSize, vec[i], dataSize) mod._memcpy(q + i * idDataSize, idVec[i], idDataSize) } const r = func(x, p, q, n) mod._free(q) mod._free(p) return r } }