# ssb-ipfs-share Find ipfs links in posts and pin them automatically Command line usage: ```sh node bin.js ``` Sbot plugin usage: ```sh mkdir -p ~/.ssb/node_modules cd ~/.ssb/node_modules git clone ssb://%1Wul6RuMYXjmXqikA5692Xlp95vgYM1aLyk6ws+6YTo=.sha256 ssb-ipfs-share && cd ssb-ipfs-share npm install sbot plugins.enable ssb-ipfs-share # restart sbot ``` For configuration, you can change options in ~/.ssb/config, add: ```json "ipfsShare": { "onlyPeopleIFollow": true, "ifpsApiUrl":"/ip4/", "timeout":"3m" } ``` # todo - [ ] retry - [ ] stats - [ ] gc (unpin to keep % disk free) > special thanks to [arj](ssb://@6CAxOI3f+LUOVrbAl0IemqiS7ATpQvr9Mdw9LC4+Uv0=.ed25519) for writing [dat-share](ssb://%HGaRHwvAX9LW8lUAaz8NypXZRCVqOsHTKhj//pkiEiQ=.sha256)