# SSB Testing Guide This is the start of a collection of patterns we've found useful for doing testing in the Scuttlebutt ecosystem Areas it will hopefully cover (over time): - [ ] message schemas/ validations - [x] writing and reading from the database: - [x] callback style - [x] streaming style - [ ] flume indexes - [ ] UI components - ... Tools it these will help you get familiar with: - [tape](http://npmjs.com/tape) - basic assertion tests - [pull-streams](http://pull-stream.github.io/) - database queries - querying your own [flumeview-level](https://github.com/flumedb/flumeview-level) index - [ssb-backlinks](https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-backlinks) - [ssb-query](https://github.com/dominictarr/ssb-query) - hyperscript / [mutant](https://github.com/mmckegg/mutant) - [electro](https://github.com/dominictarr/electro) - rendering simple UI components (TODO - compare with e.g. budo) - ...