var {h, computed, when, map, send} = require('mutant') var nest = require('depnest') var extend = require('xtend') var moment = require('moment') exports.needs = nest({ 'message.html.markdown': 'first', 'message.html.layout': 'first', 'message.html.decorate': 'reduce', 'message.async.publish': 'first', '': 'first', 'about.html.image': 'first', 'about.obs.latestValue': 'first', 'about.obs.groupedValues': 'first', 'about.obs.valueFrom': 'first', '': 'first', 'contact.obs.following': 'first', 'blob.sync.url': 'first', 'gathering.sheet.edit': 'first' }) = nest('message.html.render') exports.create = function (api) { var following = null return nest('message.html.render', function renderGathering (msg, opts) { if (msg.value.content.type !== 'gathering') return var yourId = var hidden = api.about.obs.valueFrom(msg.key, 'hidden', yourId) var image = api.about.obs.latestValue(msg.key, 'image') var title = api.about.obs.latestValue(msg.key, 'title') var description = api.about.obs.latestValue(msg.key, 'description') var location = api.about.obs.latestValue(msg.key, 'location') var startDateTime = api.about.obs.latestValue(msg.key, 'startDateTime') var endDateTime = api.about.obs.latestValue(msg.key, 'endDateTime') var attendees = computed([api.about.obs.groupedValues(msg.key, 'attendee')], getAttendees) if (!following) { following = } var imageUrl = computed(image, (id) => api.blob.sync.url(id)) var imageId = computed(image, (link) => link && || link) var content = h('GatheringCard', [ h('div.title', [ h('a', {href: msg.key}, title), h('button', { 'ev-click': send(api.gathering.sheet.edit, msg.key) }, 'Edit Details') ]), h('div.time', computed(startDateTime, formatTime)), when(image, h('a.image', { href: imageId, style: { 'background-image': computed(imageUrl, (url) => `url(${url})`) } })), h('div.attending', [ h('div.title', ['Attendees', ' (', computed(attendees, (x) => x.length), ')']), h('div.attendees', [ map(attendees, (attendee) => { return h('a.attendee', { href: attendee, title: nameAndFollowWarning(attendee) }, api.about.html.image(attendee)) }) ]), h('div.actions', [ h('button -attend', { 'ev-click': send(publishAttending, msg.key) }, `Attending`), h('button -attend', { 'ev-click': send(publishNotAttending, msg.key) }, `Can't Attend`) ]) ]), h('div.location', markdown(location)), when(description, h('div.description', markdown(description))) ]) var element = api.message.html.layout(msg, extend({ content, miniContent: 'Added a gathering', layout: 'mini' }, opts)) // hide if no title set or hidden var visible = computed([title, hidden], (title, hidden) => { return title && !hidden }) return when(visible, api.message.html.decorate(element, { msg })) }) function publishAttending (id) { var yourId = // publish with confirm api.message.async.publish({ type: 'about', about: id, attendee: { link: yourId } }) } function publishNotAttending (id) { var yourId = // publish with confirm api.message.async.publish({ type: 'about', about: id, attendee: { link: yourId, remove: true } }) } function nameAndFollowWarning (id) { var yourId = return computed([, id, following], function nameAndFollowWarning (name, id, following) { if (id === yourId) { return `${name} (you)` } else if (following.includes(id)) { return `${name}` } else { return `${name} (not following)` } }) } function markdown (obs) { return computed(obs, (text) => { if (typeof text === 'string') return api.message.html.markdown(text) }) } } function formatTime (time) { if (time && time.epoch) { return moment(time.epoch).format('LLLL') } } function getAttendees (lookup) { return Object.keys(lookup) }