mutant === Create observables and map them to DOM elements. Massively inspired by `hyperscript` and `observ-*`. No virtual dom, just direct observable bindings. Unnecessary garbage collection is avoided by using mutable objects instead of blasting immutable junk all over the place. ## Current Status: Experimental / Maintained Expect breaking changes. Being used as primary renderer and data models in [Loop Drop]( ## Install ```bash npm install @mmckegg/mutant --save ``` ## Compatibility Requires an environment that supports: - `Map` and `WeakMap` - `MutationObserver` (optional, only for root `html-element` binding support) - ES5 arrays ## Use ```js var h = require('@mmckegg/mutant/html-element') var Struct = require('@mmckegg/mutant/struct') var send = require('@mmckegg/mutant/send') var computed = require('@mmckegg/mutant/computed') var when = require('@mmckegg/mutant/when') var state = Struct({ text: 'Test', color: 'red', value: 0 }) var isBlue = computed([state.color], color => color === 'blue') var element = h('', { classList: ['cool', state.text], style: { 'background-color': state.color } }, [ h('div', [ state.text, ' ', state.value, ' ', h('strong', 'test') ]), h('div', [ when(isBlue, h('button', { 'ev-click': send(state.color.set, 'red') }, 'Change color to red'), h('button', { 'ev-click': send(state.color.set, 'blue') }, 'Change color to blue') ) ]) ]) setTimeout(function () { state.text.set('Another value') }, 5000) setInterval(function () { state.value.set(state.value() + 1) }, 1000) setInterval(function () { // bulk update state state.set({ text: 'Retrieved from server (not really)', color: '#FFEECC', value: 1337 }) }, 10000) document.body.appendChild(element) ```