var isObservable = require('../is-observable') var Set = require('../set') var watch = require('../watch') module.exports = applyProperties function applyProperties (target, properties, data) { var classList = Set() if (target.className) { classList.add(target.className) } for (var key in properties) { var valueOrObs = properties[key] if (key === 'style') { // TODO: handle observable at root for style objects var value = resolve(valueOrObs) for (var k in value) { var styleObs = isObservable(value[k]) ? value[k] : null if (styleObs) { data.bindings.push(new Binding(bindStyle, target, styleObs, k)) } else {, value[k]) } } } else if (key === 'hooks') { var value = resolve(valueOrObs) if (Array.isArray(value)) { value.forEach(function (v) { data.bindings.push(new HookBinding(v, target)) }) } } else if (key === 'attributes') { var value = resolve(valueOrObs) for (var k in value) { var attrObs = isObservable(value[k]) ? value[k] : null if (attrObs) { data.bindings.push(new Binding(bindAttr, target, attrObs, k)) } else { target.setAttribute(k, value[k]) } } } else if (key === 'events') { for (var name in valueOrObs) { target.addEventListener(name, valueOrObs[name], false) } } else if (key.slice(0, 3) === 'ev-') { target.addEventListener(key.slice(3), valueOrObs, false) } else if (key === 'className' || key === 'classList') { if (Array.isArray(valueOrObs)) { valueOrObs.forEach(function (v) { classList.add(v) }) } else { classList.add(valueOrObs) } } else { target[key] = resolve(valueOrObs) var obs = isObservable(valueOrObs) ? valueOrObs : null if (obs) { data.bindings.push(new Binding(bind, target, obs, key)) } } } if (containsObservables(classList)) { data.bindings.push(new Binding(bindClassList, target, classList, 'className')) } else { // OPTIMISATION: no need to create a binding if the list is never going to change target.className = classList().join(' ') } } function containsObservables (obs) { for (var i = 0, len = obs.getLength(); i < len; i++) { if (isObservable(obs.get(i))) { return true } } } function bindClassList (target, obs, key) { return watch(obs, function boundClassList (value) { value = [].concat.apply([], value).filter(present).join(' ') if (value || target[key]) { target[key] = value } }) } function bindStyle (target, styleObs, key) { return watch(styleObs, function boundStyle (value) {, value) }) } function bindAttr (target, attrObs, key) { return watch(attrObs, function boundAttr (value) { if (value == null) { target.removeAttribute(key) } else { target.setAttribute(key, value) } }) } function bind (target, obs, key) { return watch(obs, function bound (toValue) { var fromValue = target[key] if (fromValue !== toValue) { target[key] = toValue } }) } function present (val) { return val != null } function resolve (source) { return typeof source === 'function' ? source() : source } function Binding (fn, element, source, key) { this.element = element this.source = source this.key = key this.fn = fn this.bound = false } Binding.prototype = { bind: function () { if (!this.bound) { this._release = this.fn(this.element, this.source, this.key) this.bound = true } }, unbind: function () { if (this.bound) { this._release() this._release = null this.bound = false } } } function HookBinding (fn, element) { this.element = element this.fn = fn this.bound = false } HookBinding.prototype = { bind: function () { if (!this.bound) { this._release = this.fn(this.element) this.bound = true } }, unbind: function () { if (this.bound && typeof this._release === 'function') { this._release() this._release = null this.bound = false } } }